Книги жанра Прочие издания

Baro-electric effect and celestial magnetism
Год: 2005
Описание: The nature of the terrestrial magnetism has been creating a problem in geophysics. This book is devoted to the elaboration of the Sutherland hypothesis of the phenomenon proposed in 1903 and almost forgotten now. He supposed the electric charge redistribution in a celestial body under the action of inhomogeneous mechanical stresses (reaction against gravity) and the magnetic field moment resulted from the axial rotation of the charged body. In this book the effect is estimated quantitatively from the quantum theory point of view among others. To describe the magnetic field, generated because of the axial rotation of electrically charged object, electrodynamics of slowly rotating observer is developed. Presented are the estimates of planetary electric and magnetic fields created due to both its internal self-gravitation and external tidal influences. The contribution of the effect into the main geomagnetic field is estimated as approximately 10%. The contribution into the magnetic moments of giant planets is larger. Also considered are other possible geophysical manifestations of the effect including specific properties of the fair weather electricity and possible earthquake forerunners. This book could be recommended not only to Ph.D. students, university faculty members, and researchers, but also to everyone interested in the application of scientific results.
Basic Concepts of Quantum Mechanics
Год: 2011
Описание: This book is a thorough and systematic exposition of the foundations of non-relativistic quantum mechanics and is designed for a first-time study of the subject. The first chapter is an introduction to quantum mechanics through analysis of the specific character of microscopic physics. In the second chapter, based upon the concept of amplitude probability, various questions on physics of microphenomena are considered (interference of amplitudes, superposition principle, specificity of measuring act, causality in quantum mechanics). The simplest quantum mechanical systems — microobjects with two basic states are analyzed in detail. In the third chapter we take a look at quantum mechanical methods as a synthesis of physical ideas and the theory of linear operators. Some specially selected examples and problems are presented to demonstrate the application of these methods. This book is intended for students of technical and pedagogical universities, and can also be used by engineers of different specialties.
Basic Postulates (Principles) or Fundamentals of Energy Theory
Год: 2010
Описание: This book describes the postulates (principles) of Energy Theory, which state the following. The Universe, in all of its parts ranging from the minimal to the maximal, is constantly pulsating, compressing energy in some parts and accordingly rarefying it in others. The Universe is to be considered in terms of three independent constituents (general coordinates): Energy, Space, and Time. The essence (main feature) of the Universe is the motion of Energy and Energy fields in Space-Time, nonexistent separately from each other. In the absence of motion, no fields exist; in the absence of fields, no motion is present. Energy must be divided into Material and Spiritual energies. Relative motion of material energy bunches is accessible to the human sensory system (possibly enhanced by special-purpose instruments), but relative motion of spiritual energy bunches is inaccessible to the human senses. Some of the conventional physical theories are reconsidered in the light of the proposed postulates (principles) in the Addendum. The book is intended for both physicists and the general reader interested in the subject.
Diagrammatic method in the theory superconductivity and ferromagnetism
Год: 2007
Описание: Diagrammatic methods are applied to strongly interacting electron systems. Several problems are studied in the atomic representation. It is assumed that electron-electron interaction in an atom is stronger that the interaction between electrons belonging to different atoms. The theory of high-temperature superconductivity is considered in the Hubbard model. Then the theory of ferromagnetism in transition metals is also presented.
El mundo como espacio y tiempo
Название: El mundo como espacio y tiempo
Год: 2003
Описание: Este libro pertenece a la pluma del eminente cientfico ruso Alexndr Alexndrovich Fridman (1888-1925). sta obra fue la primera exposicin popular editada en ruso sobre la teora de la relatividad. Su gran conocimiento de la teora de la relatividad permiti al autor exponer de una forma amena conceptos cosmolgicos profundos, sin necesidad de recurrir al complejo aparato matemtico de la fsica terica. A pesar de que en la actualidad ya existen muchos trabajos de divulgacin cientfica y especializados sobre la teora de Einstein, este libro de A.A. Fridman no ha perdido su valor, y ser muy til para aqullos que estudian la fsica moderna y su historia.
Electricidad y magnetismo
Название: Electricidad y magnetismo
Год: 2003
Описание: Este libro ha sido preparado por el profesor A.V. Shepeliov partiendo de su extensa experiencia pedaggica en los centros de enseanza superior. El libro abarca casi todo el programa de «Electricidad y magnetismo» del curso de fsica general para estudiantes de enseanza superior, comenzando por electrosttica en el vaco y terminando con las ecuaciones de Maxwell y el movimiento de las partculas cargadas en campos elctricos y magnticos. Cada tema, dividido en secciones, concluye con un resumen completo que facilita las consultas rpidas, tan importantes en la preparacin de exmenes y toda vez que se requieran resultados concretos de la teora.
Equivocaciones y errores en la termodinmica
Год: 2006
Описание: En este libro se analizan tanto los momentos de confusin que fueron originados por los fundadores mismos de la termodinmica (Clausius, Thomson, Planck, Nernst, Wien, Helmholtz) como los errores tpicos que suelen aparecer en monografas y en muchos libros de texto de la actualidad. En general, estas equivocaciones fueron cometidas durante la comprensin bien de los conceptos fundamentales, bien de las tesis iniciales de la termodinmica, o bien de sus principios y mtodos. Tambin se exponen y analizan diversos ejemplos de conclusiones errneas que pueden encontrarse en el campo de las aplicaciones de la termodinmica a diferentes sistemas macroscpicos. Para especialistas en termodinmica, estudiantes universitarios y de posgrado.
Fundamental particles in pictures and without hypotheses
Год: 2007
Описание: The present book contains the results of the research of a circular and vertical motion of electromagnetic waves under various conditions of their distribution. First numerical experiments are carried out in immobile dielectric wave-guides. Then circular waves have been analyzed in the mobile and nonlinear medium from Maxwell's position. But further the transition has been carried out to completely dynamic equations of an electromagnetic field, which contain inertial forces, defined through a mass density of medium and acceleration. These equations naturally unite the classical mechanics and Maxwell-Hertz equations, which leads to the entirely dynamic description of a wave process. This forms the basis for consideration of the evolution for elemental electromagnetic vortexes. Interaction of vortexes among themselves occurs through constant fields of charges, and also through variable fields, which are propagated ad infinitum. It is established, that the vortexes interaction in a near wave zone through variable fields is characterized by the presence of a discrete system of steady states. This interaction gets the Kulon's character in a far wave zone. Such properties of vortexes lead to new understanding of a quantum mechanics and the nature of an origin of gravitational forces. The suggested theory is developed exclusively on the basis of well-known laws of motion and electrodynamics. It excludes concepts like dualism and does not require any physical hypotheses for its substation.
Название: Gravitacin
Год: 2005
Описание: En el libro se expone el punto de vista moderno de la teora de la gravitacin, sus xitos y dificultades, as como las posibilidades de incorporarla en la teora unificada de las partculas elementales con ayuda de los modelos gauge y generalizados. Se narra la historia de la creacin de la teora de la relatividad y se exponen sus fundamentos. Se analizan los problemas de los sistemas de referencia, la energa del campo gravitatorio, las singularidades gravitatorias y la cuantificacin de la gravitacin.
Internal gravity waves: theory and applications
Год: 2007
Описание: The monography is devoted to the research of the processes of disturbance and propagation of the internal gravity waves within the vertically stratified horizontally non-uniform and non-stationary mediums, to development of the asymptotic methods being by the generalization of the space-time ray-tracing method (the method of the geometrical optics), to research of the critical phenomena at generation and propagations of the internal gravity waves, and also to development of non-spectral methods of the analysis of the full-scale measurements of the internal gravity waves in the ocean. The monography is intended for the specialists in the field of hydrodynamics, oceanology and the mathematical modeling of geophysical processes.
Introduction to Modern Statistical Physics: A Set of Lectures
Год: 2008
Описание: The aim of this book is to add certain new topics to the material of the famous textbook «Statistical physics» by L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz. High-temperature corrections to the thermodynamic potential are calculated by employing ring diagrams and also by expanding in powers of the gas parameter. The universality hypothesis gives a possibility to calculate critical exponents in the framework of perturbation theory. Summation of the most strongly diverging diagrams yields parquet equations. Solving these equations, the singular specific heat and magnetic susceptibility are determined in the (4-epsilon)-dimensional space. The gradient-invariant microscopic equations which describe a superconducting state are derived. Using these equations, the Ginsburg-Landau equations together with the microscopic boundary conditions are obtained. The critical magnetic field of forming superconducting nuclei is calculated. The tunneling effects between two superconductors (the Josephson effect) and also between a superconductor and a normal metal are studied. The microscopic description of the Meissner effect, calculation of the spin susceptibility in a superconductor (the Knight shift) are given. The book is intended for researchers, graduate and undergraduate students studying the theory of condensed matter.
La coherencia: №9
Название: La coherencia: №9
Год: 2005
Описание: El concepto de coherencia surgi en la ptica clsica. Hoy este concepto no slo se ha convertido en un concepto general de la fsica, sino que se ha salido del marco de esta ciencia. En este libro el problema de la coherencia se estudia desde diferentes posiciones. Se examinan, adems, las propiedades coherentes de la radiacin y de la materia, se estudian las posibilidades de su aplicacin, las cuales conducen a transformaciones tecnolgicas bastante radicales. El libro est dedicado a los lectores interesados en los problemas y logros de la fsica contempornea.
Lejos del equilibrio: sinergtica, autoorganizacin y teora de catstrofes: №5
Год: 2005
Описание: Cuando los sistemas fsicos se encuentran muy lejos del equilibrio sus propiedades son inslitas e inesperadas. Tales sistemas pueden ser inestables y su comportamiento, multiforme. Bajo determinadas condiciones, incluso las acciones ms dbiles pueden influir considerablemente sobre ellos. Lejos del equilibrio surgen la no-linealidad, las retroalimentaciones, los efectos cooperativos, se observan fenmenos tales como autoorganizacin, bifurcaciones, catstrofes y transiciones al caos. El concepto de sistema lejano del equilibrio rebasa los lmites de la fsica y tiene carcter cientfico-general. El presente libro trata sobre el estado contemporneo y las perspectivas de este campo del conocimiento, el cual se est desarrollando impetuosamente.
Logic of the Quantum World and the origin of Life on Earth
Год: 2008
Описание: This book presents key ideas of quantum mechanics. The paradoxes of the quantum world are explained with examples of dispute between Einstein and Bohr. A collection of simple drawings illustrates the key concepts: wave/particle dualism, non-locality, and quantum jumps. The foundations of quantum physics were the source of a new hypothesis about the origin of Life. The backbone of this hypothesis is that a nonlocal link at the quantum level exits between all living organisms. This liaison has been developed many eons ago, since the origin of life in the world’s oceans.
Maravillas de la fisica: №16
Название: Maravillas de la fisica: №16
Год: 2011
Описание: Este ameno libro, escrito por dos conocidos fsicos tericos, nos introduce en el anlisis fsico de los fenmenos naturales que observamos cada da a nuestro alrededor. Ellos ponen al descubierto ante los ojos del lector la esencia de las leyes fsicas, que a menudo encierran una gran complejidad. Los autores nos muestran cmo preparar un buen caf, nos explican por qu no se puede asar un mamut en un horno de microondas, cmo se desplaza la luz por una gua de ondas, etctera. Este libro ser de gran ayuda tanto para los alumnos que se interesan por la fsica como para los profesores de esta asignatura. Se exponen, adems, algunos mtodos que resultan tiles para la estimacin de las magnitudes fsicas que aparecen en el estudio de los fenmenos naturales. El libro est destinado a toda persona que se interese por la fsica.
Model of Space-Time as a Field Noncommutative Causal Structure
Год: 2009
Описание: The book presents a detailed description of the space-time model as a causal virtual-field physical structure. Under certain conditions this model leads to fixation of the symmetry group and field representations and also to the representation of reversible local times in the world of virtual events as chains of local T-reflections. The book is intended for experts in quantum field theory and elementary particle physics and for all those interested in the problems of submicroworld physics.
Non-equilibrium Statistical Thermohydrodynamics of Turbulence
Год: 2006
Описание: A new approach to the theory of the small-scale dissipative turbulence based on non-equilibrium thermodynamics, continuum-mechanics and the statistical physics is developed in the monograph. The classical expression for the macroscopic kinetic energy of a small fluid particle in classical non-equilibrium thermodynamics is generalized by taking into account the local velocity shear related with the rate of strain tensor. The closure relation for the three-dimensional isotropic homogeneous small-scale dissipative turbulence (in an incompressible viscous Newtonian fluid) is founded by combining the classical statistical approaches, the conception of the statistical ensemble and the classical formulation of the law of large numbers. The significance of the new approach is evaluated for laboratory and oceanic stratified turbulence. The practical application of the new approach is shown in physical oceanography.
Physics at the Turn of the Millennium: New Objects of Atomic and Nuclear Physics. Quantum Information
Год: 2010
Описание: This is the second volume of the series entitled «Physics at the Turn of the Millennium.» This book contains five chapters. The first chapter is devoted to modern concepts pertaining to the nature of fundamental interactions. The second chapter describes some novel objects of atomic physics that attract an ever-increasing attention of researchers due to a variety of physical properties and phenomena inherent in these objects. These are the exotic and Rydberg atoms, excimers, clusters, fullerenes, endohedral compounds, and carbon nanotubes. The third chapter describes a major success in the understanding of the structure and dynamics of nuclear matter achieved during the last fifty years. In the fourth chapter, new nonlinear optical effects whose origin depends on light intensity are discussed. The interpretation of these effects is frequently related to microscopic laws of the interaction of light at molecular and atomic levels. The fifth chapter deals with quantum information, a new direction in physics deriving from some ideas of quantum mechanics that have been neglected until recently. The book is intended for everyone who is interested in the problems of modern physics.
Physics at the Turn of the Millennium: Physics of Self-Organizing and Ordered Systems
Год: 2010
Описание: This is the first volume of the series entitled «Physics at the Turn of the Millennium.» This book contains three chapters. The first chapter deals with the fundamentals of a new interdisciplinary scientific direction, physics of open systems, whose origin was associated with the work of outstanding researchers of the nineteenth century. Among them are physicist L. Boltzmann, mathematicians A. Poincar and A. Lyapunov, and biologist Ch. Darwin. The second chapter covers the physics of solids. This study is of a paramount importance because it allows obtaining information about the structure of matter in living and nonliving nature as well as about materials used in technologies. The third chapter analyzes the branch of physics related to new possibilities of large-scale application of semiconductors in diverse fields of science and technology. The book is intended for everyone who is interested in the problems of modern physics.
Physics at the Turn of the Millennium: Physics of the Organic World: Novel Ideas
Год: 2010
Описание: This is the third volume of the series entitled «Physics at the Turn of the Millennium.» This book contains two chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the theoretical and experimental fundamentals of a new scientific direction that has formed at the boundary of several disciplines — the field of knowledge related to the structure and dynamics of molecules. In a broader context, it deals with the study of matter at the molecular level. In the long run, such investigations are aimed at elucidating the electronic and spatial structure of multielectron (molecular) systems as well as the nature of processes and phenomena proceeding with participation of these systems. In the second chapter, essential problems of the origin of life and thinking are discussed. The avenues to the solution of these problems are sought on the basis of advances of modern physics. The book is intended for everyone who is interested in the problems of modern physics.