Книги издательства Alma/Oneworld

Название: Oblomov
Жанр: Alma/Oneworld
Год: 2014
Описание: New, award-winning translation of Goncharov's popular masterpiece. First published in 1859, Oblomov is an indisputable classic of Russian literature, comparable in its stature to such masterpieces as Gogol's Dead Souls, Tolstoy's Anna Karenina and Dostoevsky's Brothers Karamazov. The book centres on the figure of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, a member of the dying class of the landed gentry, who spends most of his time lying in bed gazing at life in an apathetic daze, encouraged by his equally lazy servant Zakhar and routinely swindled by his acquaintances. But this torpid existence comes to an end when, spurred on by his crumbling finances, the love of a woman and the reproaches of his friend, the hard-working Stoltz, Oblomov finds that he must engage with the real world and face up to his commitments. Rich in situational comedy, psychological complexity and social satire, Oblomov — here presented in Stephen Pearl's award-winning translation, the first major English-language version of the novel in more than fifty years — is a timeless novel and a monument to human idleness.
Midnight in Siberia: A Train Journey into the Heart of Russia
Жанр: Alma/Oneworld
Год: 2015
Описание: A journalist for National Public Radio in the US, David Greene decides to travel thousands of kilometres from Moscow to Vladivostok on the iconic Trans-Siberian line. On the train and in the many Siberian outposts he stops as he meets a wide range of ordinary Russian people — from a group of Beatles-singing babushkas to soldiers and struggling entrepreneurs — with situations arising that are at times comical, awkward or poignant. Travelling in third class, he learns to adhere to the train's unwritten social codes and to navigate the unfamiliar environment of Siberia, occasionally shadowed by security agents. Conjuring up other famous travellers to the regions such as Anton Chekhov, David Greene manages, through the events he describes and his reflections and conversations on the journey, to construct a complex, compassionate and astute portrait of Putin's Russia far away from the glamour and prestige of Moscow.
Combat Camera: From Auntie Beeb to the Afghan Frontline
Жанр: Alma/Oneworld
Год: 2015
Описание: May 2011, Afghanistan: Camp Bastion is under attack, The Sun's Defence Editor is about to catch the wrong helicopter, and a famous TV war reporter is missing half his kit and wants his trainers back. Amid the chaos, Christian Hill is preparing to lead his Combat Camera Team on the British Army's first big operation of the Helmand summer, inching through the IED-riddled fields of the notorious Green Zone. As a captain in the Media Operations Group, his job is to promote the war to the British media — and make it look like things are under control and getting better.
Название: Ulysses
Жанр: Alma/Oneworld
Год: 2015
Описание: Controversial, scandalous, erudite and funny, Ulysses is undisputedly a landmark of twentieth-century modernism. It charts one day — 16th June 1904 — in the lives of three inhabitants of Dublin, the advertising salesman Leopold Bloom, the artist Stephen Dedalus and Bloom's wife Molly. Their peregrinations, thoughts and encounters form the basis of the narrative, which becomes a celebration of all human experience through the lives of specific individuals in a specific place at a specific time. Ulysses is both an experimental novel and a book intimately concerned with the events of modern life.
Dog Stories
Название: Dog Stories
Жанр: Alma/Oneworld
Год: 2015
Описание: Throughout his life Rudyard Kipling was fond of dogs, and while they featured prominently in early tales such as 'The Dog Hervey' and 'Garm — a Hostage', he later came up with the innovative idea of writing a story from the perspective of a dog, resulting in the hugely successful 'Thy Servant a Dog', narrated by an Aberdeen terrier named Boots.
Childhood Memories and Other Stories
Жанр: Alma/Oneworld
Год: 2015
Описание: Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, the author of one of the most poignant and enduringly popular novels of the twentieth century, left only a few other pieces of fiction when he died prematurely at the age of sixty. Childhood Memories and Other Stories, here presented in a new translation by Stephen Parkin and including previously deleted passages and the unpublished fragment 'Torretta', collects all of Lampedusa's extant shorter fiction and provides a revealing glimpse into the writer's workshop and the background to the composition of his masterpiece. From the atmospheric recollections of the Palazzo Lampedusa and the Palazzo Filangeri Cuto at the turn of the twentieth century in 'Childhood Memories' to the delightful fable 'The Siren', from the gently humorous, bitter sweet tones of 'Joy and the Law' to 'The Blind Kittens' — the first chapter of what was intended to be a sequel to The Leopard — this volume showcases Lampedusa's unparalleled ob ser vational powers and narrative skills.
Название: Leonardo
Жанр: Alma/Oneworld
Год: 2015
Описание: This evocative account of the life of the Renaissance's greatest figure traces Leonardo's early development as an artist and court figure to his final years in exile, portraying his loves and sufferings, as well as his intellectual curiosity and tireless loyalty to his ideals. But it is the background to his famous painting La Gioconda and his relationship with the mysterious Florentine woman who modelled for it that are at the heart of the novel — here presented in a new translation — and will make for an engrossing and unforgettable read.
Belkin's Stories
Название: Belkin's Stories
Жанр: Alma/Oneworld
Год: 2014
Описание: First published in 1831, Belkin's Stories was the first completed work of fiction by the founding father of Russian literature. Through a series of interlinked stories purporting to have been told by various narrators to the recently deceased country squire Ivan Belkin, Pushkin offers his own variation on themes and genres that were popular in his day and provides a vivid portrayal of the Russian people. From the story of revenge served cold in 'The Shot' to the havoc wreaked by a blizzard on the life of two young lovers, from the bittersweet tones of 'The Station Master' to the supernatural atmosphere of 'The Undertaker', this collection — presented here in a brand-new translation by Roger Clarke — sparkles with humour and is a testament to the brilliance and versatility of Pushkin's mind.
Mrs Dalloway
Название: Mrs Dalloway
Жанр: Alma/Oneworld
Год: 2015
Описание: As Mrs Dalloway works on the preparations for a dinner party, her thoughts throughout the day wander from memories of the past to interrogations about the present and lead her to assess the choices she has made in life and love. Her monologue interweaves with the account of the distress, on that same day, of the shell-shocked veteran Septimus Warren Smith, whose trauma and hallucinations end in tragedy, as the links between the two characters unfold.
Buddhaland Brooklyn
Название: Buddhaland Brooklyn
Жанр: Alma/Oneworld
Год: 2014
Описание: As he approaches his fortieth birthday, the introverted monk Seido Oda is ordered by his superior to leave behind his peaceful, quiet refuge in the remote mountains of Japan and set up a temple in Brooklyn's Little Calabria. There Oda is confronted with an uphill struggle to get to understand the ways of his new host country, and finds his patience and beliefs tested by a motley crew of misguided American Buddhists — a shock which will enable him to come to terms with painful memories of his past and finally experience that sense of belonging he has always sought.
Pride and Prejudice
Название: Pride and Prejudice
Жанр: Alma/Oneworld
Год: 2015
Описание: The pride of high-ranking Mr Darcy and the prejudice of middle-class Elizabeth Bennet conduct an absorbing dance through the rigid social hierarchies of early-nineteenth-century England, with the passion of the two unlikely lovers growing as their union seems ever more improbable.
In the Twilight
Название: In the Twilight
Жанр: Alma/Oneworld
Год: 2014
Описание: In the Twilight, the third collection of short stories compiled by Anton Chekhov himself, was his first major success and won him the prestigious Pushkin Prize when it was published in 1887. This volume represents a clear milestone in the writer's passage from the youthful Antosha Chekhonte, author of slight comic sketches, to the mature master of the short-story genre.