Книги жанра Bloomsbury Publishing

Wild Child
Название: Wild Child
Год: 2012
Описание: A feral boy is captured and civilised in the Languedoc region. A young woman is hired to look after a cloned dog that cost its owners $250,000. A widower in a self-satisfied suburb engulfs his loneliness in a sea of rats. A weary city GP is baffled by a Mexican boy, the son of a taco-seller, who can feel no pain. A junior film editor invents the death of his own daughter because he can't face going in to work. A vindictive teenager with a gasoline fixation runs into trouble with his Japanese neighbour. Two washed-up crooners in 1950s New York get creative while recording a schmaltzy Christmas special. In this beguiling new collection of stories, T. C. Boyle, one of the world's greatest storytellers, explores the improbable, the tragic, the allegorical and the altogether ordinary.
The Archivist's Story
Название: The Archivist's Story
Год: 2012
Описание: It is Moscow, in 1939. In the recesses of the infamous Lubyanka prison, a young archivist is sent to verify the authorship of an unfinished story, confiscated from one of the many political prisoners there. The writer is Isaac Babel. The great author of Red Cavalry is spending his last days forbidden to write, his final works consigned to the archivist, Pavel Dubrov — who will ultimately be charged with destroying them. Pavel, a former schoolmaster and a lover of literature, a reluctant minion in Stalin's system, makes a reckless decision: he will save the last stories of the writer he admires, whatever the cost. Pavel's daring in the face of a vast bureaucracy of evil invigorates a life that had slowly lost its meaning, even as it guarantees his almost certain undoing. A story of suspicion, courage and unexpected grace, The Archivist's Story is ultimately a tribute to the enduring power of the written word.
Term-Time Trouble
Название: Term-Time Trouble
Год: 2012
Описание: Twink is looking forward to her second year Summer term, but when she gets to Peony Branch she is surprised to see a new fairy, Jax. And then unpleasant pranks start being played in the Branch — the rosepetal duvet covers are torn to shreds and homework is stolen. Could it be something to do with the new girl? Or is it something more complicated than that? Glitterwings Academy is a lovingly created series by acclaimed author Lee Weatherly, writing as Titania Woods. Readers of the series can be assured of accomplished narrative, as well as stylish and exciting illustration.
Treasure Hunt
Название: Treasure Hunt
Год: 2012
Описание: It is the beginning of the summer term, and there is a big surprise for the third years — a very special treasure hunt! But even though the rest of the third years are very excited, Twink cannot find it in her heart to enjoy it. Twink's grandmother is very ill. She is in 'the Doldrums' which is an unshakeable sadness and nobody seems able to find the right 'shock of joy' that will bring her back to good health. Will Twink be able to think of something to help her beloved grandmother? Glitterwings Academy is a lovingly created series by acclaimed author Lee Weatherly, writing as Titania Woods. Readers of the series can be assured of accomplished narrative, as well as stylish and exciting illustration.
Midnight Feast
Название: Midnight Feast
Год: 2012
Описание: Twink can't wait to start her second term, the Summer term, at the fairy school, Glitterwings Academy. She loves the wonderful, huge oak tree that is Glitterwings Academy, and all the exciting new lessons. Best of all, she has made some new friends, Sooze and Bimi. But friendships can sometimes run into difficulty, as Twink is about to find out. Glitterwings Academy is a lovingly created series by acclaimed author Lee Weatherly, writing as Titania Woods. Readers of the series can be assured of accomplished narrative, as well as stylish and exciting illustration.
New Girl
Название: New Girl
Год: 2012
Описание: It is Twink's Autumn term in her second year at Glitterwings Academy, and there is another new girl in Bluebell Branch now that Lola has moved out. She seems nice enough. But Twink has to think very carefully about the nature of friendship and loyalty when the new girl starts being extremely friendly with Bimi. Will the new girl take Twink's best friend away from her? Glitterwings Academy is a lovingly created series by acclaimed author Lee Weatherly, writing as Titania Woods. Readers of the series can be assured of accomplished narrative, as well as stylish and exciting illustration.
Seedling Exams
Название: Seedling Exams
Год: 2012
Описание: It is the Winter term in Twink's second year at Glitterwings, which means the all-important Seedling Exams are just round the corner; these are the exams that will indicate the sort of career that all young fairies should follow. Twink is determined to be an animal medic and follow in her parents' footsteps. But as she continues to take the Creature Kindness classes, she realises that she isn't quite as good at the lessons as she thought she was. And that actually she rather enjoys the Flower Power lessons. But what will her parents say if she announces she would rather work with plants than animals? Won't they be terribly disappointed? Twink has some difficult decisions to make. Glitterwings Academy is a lovingly created series by acclaimed author Lee Weatherly, writing as Titania Woods. Readers of the series can be assured of accomplished narrative, as well as stylish and exciting illustration.
Christmas Fairy
Название: Christmas Fairy
Год: 2012
Описание: It is the Christmas holidays and Twink is in the forest. To her horror the tree that she is sitting in is cut down and taken away to a human house! Twink watches with astonishment as the tree is lovingly decorated with all sorts of pretty ornaments. Twink can't understand why anybody would cut a tree down and then decorate it so prettily. But Twink's main concern now is how on earth she is going to get back to the forest and home Glitterwings Academy is a lovingly created series by acclaimed author Lee Weatherly, writing as Titania Woods. Readers of the whole series can be assured of accomplished narrative, as well as stylish and exciting illustration.
Decades: A Century of Fashion
Название: Decades: A Century of Fashion
Год: 2012
Описание: Cameron Silver runs the most glamorous boutique in LA, where Hollywood royalty go to find vintage couture that is totally unique and utterly timeless. He is an expert at taking the finest clothing from the past and giving it a second life — and this is what Decades is all about. You won't find any frumpiness in this story of twentieth century style and innovation. Instead, prepare to have your fashion stereotypes turned upside-down. Because the Edwardians weren't all buttoned up, the ubiquitous Audrey Hepburn wasn't the only fashion icon of the fifties, and yes, it was actually possible to dress with elegance in the eighties. The book is a showcase of the past hundred years of fashion, decade by decade. Cameron's witty commentary of twentieth century dressing is both perceptive and funny. Each chapter opens with a pair of women who epitomise rival hot trends, like the luminous Cheryl Tiegs with her sunshine sexiness versus Bianca Jagger, the dark disco goddess of Studio 54. The chapters close with a designer of the decade: think Chanel, YSL and Dior at their most fabulous. Every one of the more than 150 photographs in the book is completely contemporary and modern-looking, even as far back as the 1900s. There are rare and previously unpublished images, as well as work by legendary fashion photographers. Decades tells an international story with designers from Milan, Tokyo, London, Paris and New York all strutting their stuff. It's a bubbling, sassy, fabulous book that will make you think about vintage fashion in a totally new way.
A Cruel Bird Came to the Nest and Looked in
Год: 2012
Описание: Far away, in the ancient empire of Greater Fallowfields, things are falling apart. The imperial orchestra is presided over by a conductor who has never played a note, the clocks are changed constantly to ensure that the sun always sets at five o' clock, and the Astronomer Royal is only able to use the observatory telescope when he can find a sixpence to put in its slot. But while the kingdom drifts, awaiting the return of the young emperor, who has gone abroad and communicates only by penny post, a sinister and unfamiliar enemy is getting closer and closer... A Cruel Bird Came to the Nest and Looked In is a surreal portrait of a world that, although strange and distant, contains rather too many similarities to our own for the alien not to become brilliantly familiar and disturbingly close to home. It is comic writing at its best — and it is Magnus Mills's most ambitious, enjoyable and rewarding novel to date.
Ed King
Название: Ed King
Год: 2012
Описание: In 1962, when Walter Cousins sleeps with his British au pair, Diane Burroughs, he can have no sense of the magnitude of his error: this brief affair sets in motion a tragedy of epic proportions, upending Sophocles's immortal tale of fate, free will, and forbidden desire. At the centre is Ed King, an infant given up for adoption who becomes one of the world's most powerful men. But beneath the gripping story of Ed's seemingly inexorable rise to fame and fortune is a dark and unsettling destiny, one that approaches with ever-increasing suspense as the novel reaches its shattering conclusion.
Salvage the Bones
Название: Salvage the Bones
Год: 2005
Описание: A hurricane is building over the Gulf of Mexico, threatening the coastal town of Bois Sauvage, Mississippi, and Esch's father is growing concerned. A hard drinker, largely absent, he doesn't show concern for much else. Esch and her three brothers are stocking food, but there isn't much to save. Lately, Esch can't keep down what food she gets; she's fourteen and pregnant. Her brother Skeetah is sneaking scraps for his prized pitbull's new litter, dying one by one in the dirt. While brothers Randall and Junior try to stake their claim in a family long on child's play and short on parenting. As the twelve days that comprise the novel's framework yield to the final day and Hurricane Katrina, the unforgettable family at the novel's heart — motherless children sacrificing for each other as they can, protecting and nurturing where love is scarce — pulls itself up to struggle for another day. A wrenching look at the lonesome, brutal, and restrictive realities of rural poverty, Salvage the Bone is muscled with poetry, revelatory, and real.
Pigeon English
Название: Pigeon English
Год: 2012
Описание: Newly arrived from Ghana with his mother and older sister, eleven-year-old Harrison Opoku lives on the ninth floor of a block of flats on a London housing estate. The second best runner in the whole of Year 7, Harri races through his new life in his personalised trainers — the Adidas stripes drawn on with marker pen — blissfully unaware of the very real threat all around him. With equal fascination for the local gang — the Dell Farm Crew — and the pigeon who visits his balcony, Harri absorbs the many strange elements of his new life in England: watching, listening, and learning the tricks of inner-city survival. But when a boy is knifed to death on the high street and a police appeal for witnesses draws only silence, Harri decides to start a murder investigation of his own. In doing so, he unwittingly endangers the fragile web his mother has spun around her family to try and keep them safe. A story of innocence and experience, hope and harsh reality, Pigeon English is a spellbinding portrayal of a boy balancing on the edge of manhood and of the forces around him that try to shape the way he falls.
David Bowie Style
Название: David Bowie Style
Год: 2012
Описание: Filled with fabulous photographs, this book is a stunning fashion retrospective of the iconic and well-loved rock star. Apart from documenting five decades of Bowie's unique sense of style, it also discusses the cultural and artistic influences that have shaped him, and how he has influenced others in turn.
Название: Bamboo
Год: 2009
Описание: Throughout his career as a novelist, William Boyd has never stopped writing non-fiction, providing a fascinating counterpoint to the world of his novels. Bamboo gathers together Boyd's writing on literature, art, the movie business, television, people he has met, places he has visited and autobiographical reflections on his African childhood and his years at boarding school. From Pablo Picasso to the allure of the British caff, from Charles Dickens to Catherine Deneuve, from mini-cabs to Brideshead Revisited, this collection proves an engrossing and revealing companion to the work of one of Britain's leading novelists.
Название: Pirates
Год: 2009
Описание: When two young women meet under extraordinary circumstances in the eighteenth century West Indies, they are unified in their desire to escape their oppressive lives. The first is a slave, forced to work in a plantation mansion and subjected to terrible cruelty at the hands of the plantation manager. The second is a spirited and rebellious English girl, sent to the West Indies to marry well and combine the wealth of two respectable families. But fate ensures that one night the two young women have to save each other and run away to a life no less dangerous but certainly a lot more free. As pirates, they roam the seas, fight pitched battles against their foes and become embroiled in many a heart-quickening adventure. Written in brilliant and sparkling first-person narrative, this is a wonderful novel in which Celia Rees has brought the past vividly and intimately to life.
Mister Creecher
Название: Mister Creecher
Год: 2012
Описание: Billy is a street urchin, pickpocket and petty thief. Mr Creecher is a monstrous giant of a man who terrifies all he meets. Their relationship begins as pure convenience. But a bond swiftly develops between these two misfits as their bloody journey takes them ever northwards on the trail of their target... Victor Frankenstein. Friendship, trust and betrayal form a dangerous liaison in this moving and frightening new book from Chris Priestley.
The Snow Womble
Название: The Snow Womble
Год: 2012
Описание: Snow has arrived on Wimbledon Common! The young Wombles, including Bungo, Orinoco and Tomsk, can't wait to start sledging, making snow Wombles and generally having fun in the snow. Then one particular Womble decides to play a snowy trick on the small Wombles... A funny, warm picture book, perfect to curl up with on a cold Christmas night.
Throne of Glass
Название: Throne of Glass
Год: 2012
Описание: Action-packed fantasy romance with a heroine as deadly as she is beautiful, in a world where either fact could make her fortune or seal her fate. Celaena Sardothien is a daredevil assassin with unrivalled fighting skills. After a year's hard labour in the salt mines of the kingdom of Endovier, Celaena is offered her freedom on one condition — she must fight as handsome Prince Dorian's champion in a contest sponsored by the king, facing the deadliest thieves and assassins in the land in a series of set-piece battles in the country's stunning glass palace. But there is more at stake than even her life — for Celaena is destined for a remarkable future...
Название: Audition
Год: 2013
Описание: Documentary-maker Aoyama hasn't dated anyone in the seven years since the death of his beloved wife, Ryoko. Now even his teenage son Shige has suggested he think about remarrying. So when his best friend Yoshikawa comes up with a plan to hold fake film auditions so that Aoyama can choose a new bride, he decides to go along with the idea. Of the thousands who apply, Aoyama only has eyes for Yamasaki Asami, a young, beautiful, delicate and talented ballerina with a turbulent past. But there is more to her than Aoyama, blinded by his infatuation, can see, and by the time he discovers the terrifying truth it may be too late Ryu Murakami delivers his most subtle and disturbing novel yet, confirming him as Japan's master of the psycho-thriller.