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All Together Dead
Автор: Поделится :
Жанр: Penguin Group Издательство: Penguin Group
Год: 2008 Страниц: 352
Формат: DjVu (17.60 МБ) Дата загрузки: 24 августа 2010

All Together Dead

Betrayed by her longtime vampire love, Louisiana cocktail waitress Sookie Stackhouse must now not only deal with a possible new man in her life—the oh-so-handsome shapeshifter Quinn—but also contend with a long-planned vampire summit. With her power base weakened by hurricane damage to New Orleans, the local vampire queen is vulnerable to those hungry for a takeover. Soon, Sookie must decide what side she'll stand with. And her choice may mean the difference between survival and all-out catastrophe.

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