Книги издательства Faber and Faber

The Land of Green Ginger
Название: The Land of Green Ginger
Жанр: Faber and Faber
Год: 2005
Описание: This much loved comic adventure story has magical characters and a gripping plot for all the family to enjoy. When Prince Abu Ali, son of Aladdin, is born his destiny has already been foretold: he is the one that has been chosen to break the spell of the mysterious land of Green Ginger. His quest brings him in contact with flying carpets, button-nosed tortoises, magic phoenix birds — and two very villainous princes. This title contains original Edward Ardizzone illustrations throughout.
Oscar and Lucinda
Название: Oscar and Lucinda
Жанр: Faber and Faber
Год: 2008
Описание: Peter Carey's novel of the undeclared love between clergyman Oscar Hopkins and the heiress Lucinda Leplastrier is both a moving and beautiful love story and a historical tour de force. Made for each other, the two are gamblers — one obsessive, the other compulsive — incapable of winning at the game of love.
Never Let Me Go
Название: Never Let Me Go
Жанр: Faber and Faber
Год: 2006
Описание: Kathy, Ruth and Tommy were pupils at Hailsham — an idyllic establishment situated deep in the English countryside. The children there were tenderly sheltered from the outside world, brought up to believe they were special, and that their personal welfare was crucial. But for what reason were they really there? It is only years later that Kathy, now aged 31, finally allows herself to yield to the pull of memory and try to make sense of the past. What unfolds is an extraordinarily powerful story in which Kathy, Ruth and Tommy slowly come to realise that it is their seemingly happy childhood that has haunted them ever since, even tainting their adult lives. Part love story, part mystery, «Never Let Me Go» is a uniquely beautiful and troubling novel, charged throughout with a profound emotional depth.
Lord of the Flies
Название: Lord of the Flies
Жанр: Faber and Faber
Год: 2002
Описание: Classic novel by a Nobel prize winner about a group of boys who, after a plane crash, set up a primitive society on an uninhabited island. Vietnamese translation by Le Chu Cau. In Vietnamese. Distributed by Tsai Fong Books, Inc.
The Bad Girl
Название: The Bad Girl
Жанр: Faber and Faber
Год: 2008
Описание: Ricardo Somocurcio is in love with a bad girl. He loves her as a teenager known as 'Lily' in Lima in 1950, where she claims to be from Chile but vanishes the moment her claim is exposed as fiction. He loves her next in Paris as 'Comrade Arlette', an activist en route to Cuba, an icy, remote lover who denies knowing anything about the Lily of years gone by. Whoever the bad girl turns up as and however poorly she treats him, Ricardo is doomed to worship her. Gifted liar and irresistible, maddening muse — does Ricardo ever know who she really is?
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
Жанр: Faber and Faber
Год: 1973
Описание: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead is a play which, as it were, takes place in the wings of Hamlet, and finds both humour and poignancy in the situation of the ill-fated attendant lords. The National Theatre production in April 1967 made Tom Stoppard's reputation virtually overnight. Its wit, stagecraft and verbal verve remain as exhilarating as they were then and the play has become a contemporary classic. One of the most original and engaging of post-war plays.
When We Were Orphans
Название: When We Were Orphans
Жанр: Faber and Faber
Год: 2010
Описание: England, 1930s. Christopher Banks has become the country's most celebrated detective, his cases the talk of London society. Yet one unsolved crime has always haunted him: the mysterious disappearance of his parents, in old Shanghai, when he was a small boy. Moving between London and Shanghai of the inter-war years, WHEN WE WERE ORPHANS is a remarkable story of memory, intrigue and the need to return.
Mstislav Rostropovich: Cellist, Teacher, and Legend
Жанр: Faber and Faber
Год: 2010
Описание: Published to coincide with Rostropovich's 80th birthday celebrations Mstislav Rostropovich, internationally recognised as one of the world's finest cellists and musicians, has always maintained that teaching is an important responsibility for great artists. Before his emigration in 1974 from Russia to the West, Rostropovich taught several generations of the brightest Russian talents — as Professor of the Moscow Conservatoire — over a continuous period of two decades. His students included such artists as Jacqueline du Pre, Nataliyia Gutman, Karine Georgian, Ivan Monighetti and many others Rostropovich's teaching represented not only his individual approach to cello repertoire and instrumental technique, but also comprised a philosophy of life. As soon as he returned from his frequent concert tours, he would launch himself with whirlwind energy into his teaching activities. His lessons, which were conducted as open masterclasses, were awaited eagerly as an event of huge importance. Class 19 of the Moscow Conservatoire, where they were held, was usually packed with students (violinists, conductors and pianists as well as cellists). Often other professors dropped in, as did visiting musicians. The lessons were performances in themselves: Rostropovich — usually seated at the piano — cajoled and inspired his students to give the best of themselves. His comments went far beyond correcting the students in making them understand the essence of the work they were playing. Often this was done through striking imagery, and as such the lessons were addressed to the wider audience present in the classroom as well as to the individual student. Drawing from her own vivid reminiscences and those of ex-students, documents from the Moscow Conservatoire and extensive interviews with Rostropovich himself, Elizabeth Wilson's book sets out to define his teaching, and to recapture the atmosphere of the conservatoire and Moscow's musical life.
Gillespie and I
Название: Gillespie and I
Жанр: Faber and Faber
Год: 2012
Описание: As she sits in her Bloomsbury home, with her two birds for company, elderly Harriet Baxter sets out to relate the story of her acquaintance, nearly four decades previously, with Ned Gillespie, a talented artist who never achieved the fame she maintains he deserved. Back in 1888, the young, art-loving Harriet arrives in Glasgow at the time of the International Exhibition. After a chance encounter she befriends the Gillespie family and soon becomes a fixture in all of their lives. But when tragedy strikes — leading to a notorious criminal trial — the promise and certainties of this world all too rapidly disintegrate into mystery and deception...
Любовь и влечение в Бомбее (на английском языке)
Жанр: Faber and Faber
Год: 2011
Описание: Set in contemporary India, this work includes five tales which paint a picture of Bombay — its ghosts, its passions, its feuds, its mysteries — while exploring questions of the human spirit.
Потемкинское восстание (на английском языке)
Жанр: Faber and Faber
Год: 2011
Описание: Eisenstein's Battleship Potemkin, although made as Communist propaganda to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the mutiny in 1905, is an undoubted film classic. One of its sources was Constantine Feldman's memoir which Faber Finds are reissuing one hundred years after Constance Garnett's translation was first published. Of course this isn't objective history but it is a vivid first-hand account of the unrest in Odessa and of the mutiny itself, the twelve days when the Potemkin flew the red flag of revolution and ruled the Black Sea. Feldman's memoir is a rare book that should be better known; it's scale is smaller but it stands comparison with John Reed's Ten Days that Shook the World, his eyewitness account of the 1917 Russian Revolution.
Обыкновенная история (на английском языке)
Жанр: Faber and Faber
Год: 2011
Описание: Ivan Gontcharoff is best known for his second novel, Oblomov. One might say, only known, but, while his output was small, he did write two other novels, some short stories and some travel pieces. A Common Story was his first novel, published in 1847. It opens with its hero, Alexandr Fedoritch asleep. Its plot concerns his departure from the countryside to St Petersburg to pursue a bureaucratic career and his mother trying to prevent him, pointing out the superior qualities of the countryside. The title of the novel is a reference to the time-honoured psychological tension between son and mother. Many of the themes Gontcharoff developed more fully in Oblomov are first seen here.
Рудин (на английском языке)
Жанр: Faber and Faber
Год: 2011
Описание: The first of Turgenev's social novels, Rudin was first translated by Constance Garnett into English in 1894. The main protagonist Dmitri Rudin is a representative of men of that time, being knowledgeable and enthusiastic about new ideas and the search for truth. As S. Stepniak states in his introduction to the text in 1894 Rudin's 'enthusiasm is contagious because it is sincere, and his eloquence is convincing because devotion to his ideals is an absorbing passion with him. He would die for them, and, what is more rare, he would not swerve a hair's-breadth from them for any worldly advantage, or for fear of any hardship.' Despite this Rudin's enthusiasms and attachments lack warmth and compassion. He views the world and its people through the books he has studied and at the first test to his strength of purpose he fails. Dmitri Rudin remains therefore a character full of contradictions but it is these contradictions that make him real and one of Turgenev's greatest achievements.
Название: Sandstorm
Жанр: Faber and Faber
Год: 2012
Описание: Sandstorm is the best kind of reportage: humane, historically-informed and full of details that only a writer close to the action could have noticed. The overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi has been one of the twenty-first century's defining moments: the Arab world's most bizarre dictator brought down by his own people with the aid of NATO aircraft. Lindsey Hilsum was in Libya when Gaddafi met his squalid end. She traces the history of his strange regime from its beginnings — when Gaddafi had looks, charisma and popular appeal — to its paranoid, corrupt final state. At the heart of her book, however, is a brilliant narrative of Libyan people overcoming fear and disillusionment and finding the strength to rebel. Hilsum follows five of them through months of terror and tragedy. This is the Libyan revolution as it was made and lived. Sandstorm will take its place in a library of classic books about turning points of history.
My Name is Red
Название: My Name is Red
Жанр: Faber and Faber
Год: 2012
Описание: In the late 1590s, the Sultan secretly commissions a great book: a celebration of his life and his empire, to be illuminated by the best artists of the day — in the European manner. At a time of violent fundamentalism, however, this is a dangerous proposition. Even the illustrious circle of artists are not allowed to know for whom they are working. But when one of the miniaturists is murdered, their Master has to seek outside help. Did the dead painter fall victim to professional rivalry, romantic jealousy or religious terror? With the Sultan demanding an answer within three days, perhaps the clue lies somewhere in the half-finished pictures... Orhan Pamuk is Turkey's leading contemporary novelist and in My Name is Red, he has fashioned an unforgettable tale of suspense, and an artful meditation on love and deception.
How to Be a Movie Star: Elizabeth Taylor in Hollywood, 1941-1981
Жанр: Faber and Faber
Год: 2012
Описание: From her days as a youthful minx at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer to her post-studio reign as America`s lustiest middle-aged movie queen, Elizabeth Taylor has defined the very essence of Hollywood stardom. This book offers an intimate look at this girl who grew up with fame, who learned early — and well — how to be famous.
Chaplin: The Tramp's Odyssey
Название: Chaplin: The Tramp's Odyssey
Жанр: Faber and Faber
Год: 2012
Описание: An Everyman who expressed the defiant spirit of freedom, Charlie Chaplin was first lauded and later reviled in the America that made him Hollywood's richest man. He was a figure of multiple paradoxes, and many studies have sought to unveil 'the man behind the mask'. Louvish charts the tale of the Tramp himself through his films — from the early Mack Sennett shorts through the major features (The Gold Rush, City Lights, Modern Times, The Great Dictator et al.). He weighs the relationship between the Tramp, his creator, and his world-wide fans, and in doing so retrieves Chaplin as the iconic London street-kid who carried the 'surreal' antics of early British Music Hall triumphantly onto the Hollywood screen. Louvish also looks anew at Chaplin's and the Tramp's social and political ideas — the challenge to fascism, defiance of the McCarthyite witch-hunts, eventual 'exile', and last mature disguises as the serial-killer Monsieur Verdoux and the dying English clown Calvero in Limelight. This book is an epic journey, summing up the roots of Comedy and its appeal to audiences everywhere, who revelled in the clown's raw energy, his ceaseless struggle against adversity, and his capacity to represent our own fears, foibles, dreams, inner demons and hopes.
The Time of the Hero
Название: The Time of the Hero
Жанр: Faber and Faber
Год: 2012
Описание: A powerful social satire which outraged the authorities of the author's native Peru, where 1000 copies were publicly burned.
Название: Snow
Жанр: Faber and Faber
Год: 2012
Описание: After twelve years in political exile in Germany, a poet Ka returns to Istanbul for his mother's funeral, and takes a commission to report on the municipal elections in Kars near the Russian border. There he discovers a dangerous atmosphere, with tensions running high between the political Islamists and the 'enlightened, pro-Western' Turkish military. The second half of the novel takes place over a three-day period. Following the set-piece military coup, Pamuk brilliantly explores such themes as politics, love, ethics, religion and poetry, as we gradually discover the real truth concerning the poet and the snow covered old-world city of Kars.
The Red Coffin
Название: The Red Coffin
Жанр: Faber and Faber
Год: 2012
Описание: It is 1939. The world stands on the brink of Armageddon. In the Soviet Union, years of revolution, fear and persecution have left the country unprepared to face the onslaught of Nazi Germany. For the coming battles, Stalin has placed his hopes on a 30-ton steel monster, known to its inventors as the T-34 tank, and, the 'Red Coffin' to those men who will soon be using it. But the design is not yet complete. And when Colonel Nagorski, the weapon's secretive and eccentric architect, is found murdered, Stalin sends for Pekkala, his most trusted investigator. Stalin is convinced that a sinister group calling itself the White Guild, made up of former soldiers of the Tsar, intend to bring about a German invasion before the Red Coffin is ready. While Soviet engineers struggle to complete the design of the tank, Pekkala must track down the White Guild and expose their plans to propel Germany and Russia into conflict.