Книги издательства Hodder&Stoughton

Starter for Ten
Название: Starter for Ten
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 2004
Описание: It's 1985 and Brian Jackson has arrived at university with a burning ambition — to make it onto TV's foremost general knowledge quiz. But no sooner has he embarked on 'The Challenge' than he finds himself falling hopelessly in love with his teammate, the beautiful and charismatic would-be actress, Alice Harbinson. When Alice fails to fall for his slightly over-eager charms, Brian comes up with a foolproof plan to capture her heart once and for all. He's going to win the game, at any cost, because — after all — everyone knows that what a woman really wants from a man is a comprehensive grasp of general knowledge... Starter for Ten is a comedy about love, class, growing-up and the all-important difference between knowledge and wisdom. Are you up to the challenge of the funniest novel in years?
The Night Manager
Название: The Night Manager
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 1994
Описание: Jonathan is the orphan son of a hero soldier and a veteran of secret operations in South Armagh. Disenchanted by the army and his marriage, he works for the Palace Hotel, Zurich. There he meets Richard Roper, an illegal arms trader. He must bring Roper to book. By the author of Smiley's People.
The Other Hand
Название: The Other Hand
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 2009
Описание: We don't want to tell you what happens in this book. It is a truly special story and we don't want to spoil it. Nevertheless, you need to know enough to buy it so we will just say this: It is extremely tunny, but the African beach scene is horrific. The story starts there, but the book doesn't. And it's what happens afterwards that is most important. Once you have read it, you'll want to tell your friends about it. When you do, please don't tell them what happens either. The magic is in how it unfolds.
The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 2011
Описание: Imagine an empire that has shut out the world for a century and a half. No one can leave, foreigners are excluded, their religions banned and their ideas deeply mistrusted. Yet a narrow window onto this nation-fortress still exists: an artificial walled island connected to a mainland port, and manned by a handful of European traders. And locked as the land-gate may be, it cannot prevent the meeting of minds — or hearts. The nation was Japan, the port was Nagasaki and the island was Dejima, to where David Mitchell's panoramic novel transports us in the year 1799. For one Dutch clerk, Jacob de Zoet, a dark adventure of duplicity, love, guilt, faith and murder is about to begin — and all the while, unbeknownst to him and his feuding compatriots, the axis of global power is turning...
Garden Spells
Название: Garden Spells
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 2008
Описание: Welcome to Bascom, North Carolina, where it seems that everyone has a story to tell about the Waverley women. The house that's been in the family for generations, the walled garden that mysteriously blooms year round, the rumours of dangerous loves and tragic passions. Every Waverley woman is somehow touched by magic. Claire has always clung to the Waverleys' roots, tending the enchanted soil in the family garden from which she makes her sought-after delicacies — famed and feared for their curious effects. She has everything she thinks she needs — until one day she waked to find a stranger has moved in next door and a vine of ivy has crept into her garden... Claire's carefully tended life is about to run gloriously out of control.
The Last to Know
Название: The Last to Know
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 2008
Описание: Eve knows what she wants. After nine good years and two kids together, it's about time Liam made an honest woman of her. Eve's sister Sam knows more than she should. Sam's always thought Eve was too good for Liam. Then she learns the truth about his business trips to Australia, and her suspicions are confirmed. And Brooke, safe on the other side of the world; knows nothing. Until a mysterious delivery arrives for her and promises to change her life forever. It seems someone doesn't want Brooke to be the last to know...
My Name is Memory
Название: My Name is Memory
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 2011
Описание: Daniel tells me that he's always loved me. That I feel the same. That I always have. Not just in this life, but in my last life, and all my lives before. But I don't remember him. He says he is always searching for me. Always hoping that one day I will remember. But it is only he that carries the memory of our love. I know that finding true love is never easy. Perhaps you have fought for it. Perhaps, like Daniel, you have endured the pain of it being unrequited. But I hope your quest ends happily. I hope you never have to face the heartbreak that inevitably awaits us. This is our extraordinary, unforgettable story.
Shades of Grey
Название: Shades of Grey
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 2010
Описание: No one could cheat the Colourman and the colour test. What you got was what you were, forever. Your life, career and social standing decided right there and then, and all worrisome life-uncertainties eradicated forever. You knew who you were, what you would do, where you would go, and what was expected of you. In return, you simply accepted your rung upon the Chromatic ladder, and assiduously followed the Rulebook. Your life was mapped. And all in the time it takes to bake a tray of scones... Eddie Russett lives comfortably in a world where fortune, career and ultimate destiny are rigidly dictated by the colours you can see. Until he falls in love with a Grey named Jane, and starts to question every aspect of the Rulebook. Why are spoons illegal? And what actually happens to all those people who are sent to the Emerald City to Reboot?
House Rules
Название: House Rules
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 2010
Описание: Jacob Hunt is a teenager: brilliant at maths, wicked sense of humour, extraordinarily organised, hopeless at reading social cues. And Jacob has Asperger's. He is locked in his own world — aware of the world outside, and wanting to make a connection. Jacob tries to be like everyone else, but doesn't know how. When his tutor is found dead, all the hallmark behaviours of Jacob's syndrome — not looking someone in the eye, odd movements, inappropriate actions — start looking a lot like guilt to the police. And Jacob's mother must ask herself the hardest question in the world: is her child capable of murder?
Fight for Freedom
Название: Fight for Freedom
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 2010
Описание: As the great powers of Europe fight over the spoils of slavery, corruption and greed, the golden age of piracy is born. Sold by his father as a child for four guineas, captain's servant Patrick Devlin knows how cheap a man's life can be. But his instinct for survival is strong, and when his master's ship is sunk by pirates, Devlin makes his choice — to trade his servile existence for a life of dangerous liberty. As he learns to adapt to his brutal new world, he watches men who would once have been his masters fall dead at his feet. Eventually, he finds himself captain of the very ship that took down the vessel of the man he once served — Captain John Coxon — who, disgraced and dissatisfied, hungers to return to the sea and take his revenge. And when His Majesty's Government and the East India Company hear of the Pirate Devlin, and that he is in pursuit of a secret French cargo of gold bullion, it is Coxon they send to bring his former dog to heel.
Walking in Pimlico
Название: Walking in Pimlico
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 2010
Описание: To 'walk in Pimlico' is, according to the Penguin Dictionary of Historical Slang, the colloquial expression 'to be handsomely dressed'. Comedian, clog dancer, comic vocalist, actor and all-round funny fellow Corney Sage is treading the boards at the Constellation in Whitechapel when he stumbles across the body of an actress outside the theatre and catches sight of the killer as he escapes. Corney was not the only witness. Fellow actress Lucy Strong also saw what happened and when the murderer returns to the scene of the crime that same night, both fear for their lives. Corney and Lucy flee London separately, keeping in touch with each other through a series of advertisements in the trade paper, the Era. Certain they have escaped the same fate as Bessie, they settle into their new lives away from London. But the murderer — a master of disguise — is slowly closing in on them and it is only a matter of time before he pounces... From the drawing rooms of polite society to the back rooms of brothels, through music halls, circus rings and freak shows, Ann Featherstone brilliantly reconstructs 19th century England in this gripping psychological thriller.
The Whisperers
Название: The Whisperers
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 2011
Описание: Charlie Parker returns in the chilling new thriller from the Sunday Times bestselling author of THE LOVERS. The border between Maine and Canada is porous. Anything can be smuggled across it: drugs, cash, weapons, people. Now a group of disenchanted former soldiers has begun its own smuggling operation, and what is being moved is infinitely stranger and more terrifying than anyone can imagine. Anyone, that is, except private detective Charlie Parker, who has his own intimate knowledge of the darkness in men's hearts. But the soldiers' actions have attracted the attention of the reclusive Herod, a man with a taste for the strange. And where Herod goes, so too does the shadowy figure that he calls the Captain. To defeat them, Parker must form an uneasy alliance with a man he fears more than any other, the killer known as the Collector...
Go Ahead Secret Seven
Название: Go Ahead Secret Seven
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 2006
Описание: When a sinister-looking man gets George in trouble with the police, the Secret Seven are outraged! Spying on him, the gang are certain he's bad news, but what exactly is he up to? They need to investigate, and solve the mystery, once and for all.
Good Old Secret Seven
Название: Good Old Secret Seven
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 2006
Описание: There are strange happenings indeed at Torling Castle! Someone is hiding out in the ruined tower, making the resident jackdaws very unsettled. Who is it, and what do they want? The Secret Seven are on it!
Shock for the Secret Seven
Название: Shock for the Secret Seven
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 2006
Описание: Dogs are disappearing from the village, but the Seven are so busy arguing and falling out with each other that they don't even notice. Then poor Scamper becomes the latest victim and it's all systems go for the Secret Seven!
Look Out Secret Seven
Название: Look Out Secret Seven
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 2006
Описание: What on earth would the Secret Seven do without Scamper the spaniel? First he discovers an unwanted visitor — then he protects them as they spy on a thief late at night in Bramley Woods!
Fun for the Secret Seven
Название: Fun for the Secret Seven
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 2006
Описание: The Seven are very fond of Tolly and his horse, Brownie, so they're determined to help out when Brownie is sick. But they need to find Tolly and Brownie somewhere to hide out — somewhere that dangerous horse thieves will never find. But where?
Teenage Kicks: 101 Things to Do Before You're 16
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 2008
Описание: Have you ever... eaten with chopsticks for a week? Had a shopping trolley race? Helped out for a night at a homeless centre? This book will tell you how. With 101 challenges and targets for readers to try out, work towards or aspire to before reaching 16, this book is jam-packed with lots of great ideas, from the simple and quiet to the extreme and profane. With extreme action, travel, jokes and japes, charitable acts and life skills — there's something for every teen to tick off their 'must do' list.
The Case of the Fudgie Fry Pirates: WITH The Case of the Plant That Could Eat Your House
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 2008
Описание: There are two stories/TV episodes in each book so they are 'flipper' books, with a front cover for each story.The case of the fudgie fry pirates: There's more to Shelter Island than a puffin refuge! The case of the plant that could eat your house: A dangerous plant is on the loose!
The Case of the Plot to Pull the Plug: Case of the Thief Who Drinks from the Toilet
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 2008
Описание: A new generation Famous Five: Jo, Dylan, Allie, and Max are the children of the four kids — and not forgetting Timmy Too to make up the Five!