Книги жанра Oxford University Press

A Christmas Journey
Название: A Christmas Journey
Год: 2010
Описание: The story opens with a familiar Biblical image-of Mary being visited by the angel Gabriel. In Brian Wildsmith's imagining of this scene, Mary is shown with her cherished cat and dog. When Mary and Joseph set out for Bethlehem, her pets are left behind. But the cat and dog miss their mistress and decide to make the journey to find her. Along the way, they stop to help various other animals who join them on the road to Bethlehem. Arriving at the stable, the animals share in the joy of the birth of Jesus. Mary is delighted to be reunited with her pets and be able to present her new baby to them. This appealing story from one of our most internationally acclaimed picture-book writers and artists has deservedly become an enduring favourite with children at Christmas time.
Christopher's Caterpillars
Название: Christopher's Caterpillars
Год: 2012
Описание: Christopher Nibble is so busy tending his dandelion patch that it's starting to take over his life and he doesn't even have time for football any more. Then he meets his new neighbour, Posie. She offers to help him out in the garden. When the dandelion seedlings start being nibbled by caterpillars, it's Posie's idea to keep them as pets. Mr Rosetti from the cafe gives them some empty sweet jars and Christopher and Posie feed their furry caterpillars and watch them grow. But one morning Christopher and Posie can't see any caterpillars in their jars. They have disappeared! Quite desperate, they make 'missing' posters and put them up all over Dandeville. It takes Mr Rosetti to reveal the miracle of metamorphosis to the two bereft guinea-pigs. After the mystery is solved, Christopher and Posie's lost-and-found posters showing brightly coloured caterpillars and butterflies delight all the guinea-pigs of Dandeville when they are displayed in a special exhibition at the art gallery. A contemporary environmental tale set in a wonderfully surreal world where guinea pigs drink cappuccino, play football, and visit art galleries!
Goat and Donkey and the Noise Downstairs
Год: 2009
Описание: One night, Goat is woken by a noise downstairs. His immediate thought is that there must be burglars in the house. He doesn't know what to do, but he knows that Donkey will, so he tiptoes very quietly to Donkey's room. But when Goat discovers that Donkey's bed is empty, he comes to the conclusion that Donkey must have been stolen! Full of fear and trepidation, Goat grabs Donkey's toy Rabbity (to brandish at the burglars), goes downstairs, and bursts bravely into the kitchen... only to find that the noise is in fact coming from Donkey who has gone downstairs to make himself a sandwich! Relieved but overwrought, Goat is in need of some comfort and a midnight feast with Donkey is just the thing to soothe his shattered nerves! A delightful duo — Goat and Donkey are ready to entertain children and parents everywhere.
Goat and Donkey in the Great Outdoors
Год: 2008
Описание: Goat wakes up one morning simply bursting to explore the Great Outdoors. He has his tent, his rucksack, his binoculars, and even his favourite teddy, but Goat just can't decide where to go. After some gentle advice from the ever-patient Donkey, Goat discovers that the best place for a holiday might not be very far away at all and he pitches his tent in the garden... which means that Donkey can come along, too. Perfect! A delightful duo — Goat and Donkey are ready to entertain children and parents everywhere.
Goat and Donkey in Strawberry Sunglasses
Год: 2007
Описание: When Goat offers to do the grocery shopping, Donkey knows that things might just get a little muddled! He writes out a list so that Goat will know exactly what to buy. But the market is such a dazzling place and Goat sees so many lovely things. Instead of apples, carrots, cabbages and ice cream, Goat buys a sun hat, an inflatable octopus, a trumpet and a pair of sunglasses decorated with strawberries! What ever will Donkey make of all the surprises that Goat has in his basket when he trots triumphantly back home? Goodness knows! A delightful duo — Goat and Donkey are ready to entertain children and parents everywhere.
How to Survive Summer Camp
Название: How to Survive Summer Camp
Год: 2011
Описание: My new T-shirt said I LOVE EVERGREEN ADVENTURE HOLIDAYS. My new T-shirt was a liar. Dumped at Evergreen Summer Camp while her mum's off on a swanky honeymoon, Stella just knows she's going to hate it. Being mistaken for a boy and having to share a room with snobby Louise and nasty Karen is just the start... It seems Stella's in for a nightmare summer. How can she possibly survive? This special edition includes a fantastic section of cool quizzes, yummy recipes, and brilliant activities. It has all you need to create your own summer camp... even survival tips!
Hurry Up and Slow Down
Название: Hurry Up and Slow Down
Год: 2009
Описание: Hare is always raring to go. He races through the day while the ever-patient Tortoise does his best to keep up. Hare, it certainly seems to Tortoise, has boundless energy. So Tortoise has plans for when it is time for Hare to go to bed — a well-deserved rest with a cup of chamomile tea! And, for the first time in the day, it is Tortoise who is in a hurry. He reads speedily, with one eye on his cuppa. But Hare has other ideas. As far as he is concerned, when it's time for his bedtime story from Tortoise, he is no longer in a hurry. In fact he wants to take all the time in the world and linger over every picture. After all, some things just shouldn't be rushed! Toddlers will love this simple story, with its cosy farmland setting and lovable characters. And while adults are reading a story that highlights the differences between the energetic and impetuous Hare and the rather more circumspect Tortoise, they will no doubt smile as they recognise the parallels with their own experiences of childcare!
I Love My Cloth
Название: I Love My Cloth
Год: 2007
Описание: Bean is a little rabbit. Although she's getting bigger every day, she is sure that she will never, ever be too big for her Cloth. So when Mummy and Daddy try to persuade her, very gently, that perhaps she can stop carrying Cloth everywhere with her, Bean decides she must hide Cloth in a safe place to protect it from being taken away. But the trouble with hiding things in very safe places is that they can't always be found again and Bean has to face her first bedtime without Cloth. Naturally, Bean doesn't like being without her Cloth but, day by day, she learns to let go. Then one day, a long time later when Bean is out playing with her friends, she sees a little baby fox cub cuddling her Cloth. Feeling happy for the little fox cub and not at all envious that he now has her Cloth makes Bean feel very grown up indeed!
Just Like Tonight
Название: Just Like Tonight
Год: 2009
Описание: Button has had a busy day playing with his older sisters and now it's time for Mummy and Daddy to put him to bed. Just as they pad quietly away, Button remembers the fallen log he clambered over during the afternoon. It looked a bit like a big bear asleep in the grass and now Button is worried that the tree-bear might lumber into his dreams and turn them into scary ones. He calls out and Daddy comes back to comfort Button. Daddy always knows what to do in these situations-he tells Button the lovely, familiar story of the day he was born. Daddy remembers fondly all the happy details of the day that Button came into the world and these always do just the trick in helping Button to forget about anything that might be making him anxious at bedtime. The illustrations from Layn Marlow are beautiful-Button is the most adorable chocolate-brown bear cub you are ever likely to meet-and the softness of the illustrations perfectly captures the mood of this gentle bedtime story.
Lavender's Blue: A Book of Nursery Rhymes
Год: 2007
Описание: This is a definitive collection of nursery rhymes, beautifully designed and illustrated by the influential artist, Harold Jones. This facsimile edition has been lovingly produced to recreate the look and feel of the first printing of this much-loved book, which was originally published in 1954.
Little Apple Goat
Название: Little Apple Goat
Год: 2007
Описание: Little Apple Goat is quite unusual — she loves eating fruit. Every year she waits patiently in the orchard for ripe apples, pears or cherries to fall to the ground. And she always spits the pips and stones over the hedge on her way home to her meadow. Plippety plip! On one day in Autumn, a storm blows across the farm and topples all the fruit trees in the orchard. The animals are all very upset, not least Little Apple Goat! But when Spring comes Little Apple Goat notices blossom showing over the top of the hedge. The animals are delighted to have a new orchard, but who could have planted it? Here's a clue: plippety plip! Featuring the same farm setting as used in Pond Goose and Scruff Sheep, Little Apple Goat tells the story of one eccentric little goat and how her actions — literally — bear fruit after a storm destroys the orchard that she loved so much.
Little Lost Cowboy
Название: Little Lost Cowboy
Год: 2005
Описание: ARRROOO! Poor Little Lost Cowboy. He's strayed away from his mummy, and cannot find her anywhere. As he searches for her he bumps into a cactus, bumps his bottom, and finally bumps himself into a hole. Ouch! At last he meets a kindly toad who gives him some very sound advice — stay put, and your mummy will find you. Caroline has a strong sales track record: her previous book for OUP, Hungry Hen has sold over 30,000 copies worldwide. Simon Puttock is an increasingly high profile author and publishes with Macmillan and Egmont — this is his first book for OUP.
Oh, Boris
Название: Oh, Boris
Год: 2008
Описание: On the day that Miss Cluck says there is going to be a new animal in the class, everyone is very excited. In fact, there are squeals of delight. Nobody expects the new animal to be a bear. So, when Boris takes his first hairy, scary, grizzly steps into the classroom, Leticia the rabbit, Fergus the fox cub, Maxwell the mole, and the little mice EL scream! Of course, Boris doesn't mean to be scary. He only wants to make friends. But he spends a lonely, miserable first day at school. When it's home time, Boris trudges through the woods, far behind the others. After all, it seems to him that none of them wants to be his friend. Then he sees some rats up ahead as they jump out from behind the trees. Boris hurries along to introduce himself (ever hopeful of making new friends) but, once again, his ursine enthusiasm terrifies the rats. However, to his astonishment, in scaring off the bullies Boris has truly endeared himself to Maxwell, Leticia, Fergus and the mice. Boris is a gentle giant and he immediately wins our affections.How Boris is perceived by his classmates and how those perceptions change as the story unfolds give this picture book real resonance for children everywhere who have experienced being new among an unfamiliar group.
An Oxford Anthology of Mystery Stories
Год: 2004
Описание: From creepy school computers to bungling bank robbers; from lost villages to deadly Christmas presents... Funny and serious, exciting and intriguing, here are fourteen wonderful new mystery stories to perplex and amaze you.
The Oxford Book of Bible Stories
Год: 2007
Описание: Here is a collection of some of the most powerful and wonderful stories from the Old Testament. We can trace the lives of memorable Biblical characters across the generations including Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Ruth, Saul and David. Their lives are played out in turbulent times — and the drama of great floods, plagues, journeys, and battles is revealed to us through stories that have been retold with spirit and originality by Berlie Doherty. From this epic sweep, Berlie Doherty's narrative draws out the emotions of real men and women: their hopes and fears, grief and joy, fulfilment and suffering, compassion and betrayal. Berlie Doherty brings us to an understanding of the promises that these people keep and the mistakes they make. Through all this we discover more about God and our faith in him. Fully illustrated throughout by Jason Cockcroft with both sumptuous colour and evocative black and white artwork, this collection of Bible stories is a book to cherish.
Peter Pan
Название: Peter Pan
Год: 2007
Описание: The night that Peter Pan flies into the Darling children's nursery is the night that magic flies into their lives. It's the night that Wendy and her brothers follow Peter out of the window and soar through the sky to Neverland. It's the night that they discover a world of mermaids, fairies, and pirates, of lost boys, and of the terrible Captain Hook. It's the night the adventure begins... Peter Pan is one of the best-loved stories ever written for children. For more than one hundred years this unforgettable tale has enchanted readers of all ages. Step into Neverland with this magical, timeless classic.
Pippi Goes Aboard
Название: Pippi Goes Aboard
Год: 2012
Описание: Are you carrying a monkey on your shoulder? Pippi is! Have you ever caught an escaped tiger? Pippi has! Do you know of a tree that grows chocolate bars? Pippi does! Pippi, Tommy and Annika have the best time together — going to the circus, buying ALL the sweets in the sweet shop and getting shipwrecked for the weekend. But when Pippi's long-lost father comes to visit, will Pippi sail away to sea with him and leave Tommy and Annika behind?
Pippi Longstocking
Название: Pippi Longstocking
Год: 2012
Описание: Have you performed at the circus? Pippi has! Can you wiggle your toes while you're sleeping? Pippi can! Are you going to be a pirate when you grow up? Pippi is! Pippi lives in a house with a horse, a monkey, a suitcase full of gold and no grown-ups to tell her what to do. She's wild and funny and her crazy ideas are always getting her into trouble!
Pippi in the South Seas
Название: Pippi in the South Seas
Год: 2012
Описание: Have you ever given a shark a good telling-off? Pippi has! Do you know what a squeazle is? Pippi does! Can you carry your Dad on your shoulders? Pippi can! Pippi, Tommy, and Annika are off on their greatest adventure yet — a trip to the Canny Islands, where Pippi's father is king. They explore secret caves, play marbles with real pearls and luckily the pirates and sharks they meet are no match for Pippi!
Quack Quack Moo, We See You
Название: Quack Quack Moo, We See You
Год: 2012
Описание: Poppa Bombola is searching high and low for his little girl. Is she by the duck pond? Is she in the cowshed? Could she even be in the chicken coop? While Poppa Bombola is in a frantic flap, someone very dear (and very near) to him is enjoying a fun-filled farmyard ride in this lovely rhyming story!