Скачать книгу «Moscow»

Автор: Неизвестно Поделится :
Жанр: Phaidon Press Издательство: Phaidon Press
Год: 2010 Страниц: 128
Формат: PDF (6.40 МБ) Дата загрузки: 21 августа 2012


»Wallpaper City Guides» not only suggest where to stay, eat, and drink, but what the tourist passionate about design might want to see, whether he/she has a week or 24 hours in the city. Featured are up and coming areas, landmark buildings in an 'Architour', design centres, and the best shops to buy items unique to that city. «Wallpaper City Guides» present travellers with a fast-track ticket to the chosen location. The edited guides offer the best, most exciting, and the most beautiful of that particular city. As well as looking beautiful, the guides are expertly designed with function as a priority, and have tabbed sections so that the tourist can easily find what they are looking for. There are maps, rate and currency cards, colour-coded parts of the city, and an easy navigational tool. They are the ultimate combination of form and function.

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