Книги автора Carroll Lewis

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Год: 2013
Описание: A superb gift edition of Lewis Carroll's complete and unabridged text, beautifully typeset and laid out. The most fantastic new illustrations re-imagine the much-loved characters of Alice, the White Rabbit, the Mad Hatter, the Red Queen, the Mock Turtle and the rest. An heirloom of the future, this beautiful book is richly produced to a standard this timeless classic deserves, with a padded hardback cover, a ribbon marker and traditional binding. The story of Lewis Carroll and how he came to write this much-loved tale is told at the back of the book.
Alice in Wonderland
Название: Alice in Wonderland
Жанр: Ladybird
Год: 2012
Описание: This beautiful hardback Ladybird Classic edition of «Alice in Wonderland» by Lewis Carroll is a perfect first illustrated introduction to the classic story for younger readers. It has been sensitively abridged and retold to make it suitable for sharing with young children from 5+, whilst retaining all the best-loved parts of the «Alice in Wonderland» story, such as the White Rabbit, the Queen of Hearts, the Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat. Beautiful full-colour illustrations throughout also help to bring all of these classic characters to life. Other exciting titles in the «Ladybird Classics» series include «Treasure Island», «Black Beauty», «The Secret Garden», «Oliver Twist» and «Gulliver's Travels».
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
Жанр: Penguin Group
Год: 2013
Описание: Bored on a hot afternoon, Alice follows a White Rabbit down a rabbit-hole without giving a thought about how she might get out. And so she tumbles into Wonderland: where animals answer back, a baby turns into a pig, time stands still at a disorderly tea party, croquet is played with hedgehogs and flamingos, and the Mock Turtle and Gryphon dance the Lobster Quadrille. In a land in which nothing is as it seems and cakes, potions and mushrooms can make her shrink to ten inches or grow to the size of a house, will Alice be able to find her way home again?
Alice Through the Looking-glass: Walker Illustrated Classics
Жанр: Walker Books
Год: 2009
Описание: Alice walking through a mirror into a topsy-turvy world. There she meets a host of bizarre characters, including Tweedledum and Tweedledee, Humpty Dumpty and the Red Queen. But is it all a dream?
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-glass
Год: 2004
Описание: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll, is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of the remarkable features of Barnes & Noble Classics: New introductions commissioned from today's top writers and scholars; Biographies of the authors; Chronologies of contemporary historical, biographical, and cultural events; Footnotes and endnotes; Selective discussions of imitations, parodies, poems, books, plays, paintings, operas, statuary, and films inspired by the work; Comments by other famous authors; Study questions to challenge the reader's viewpoints and expectations; Bibliographies for further reading Indices & Glossaries, when appropriate. All editions are beautifully designed and are printed to superior specifications; some include illustrations of historical interest. Barnes & Noble Classics pulls together a constellation of influences — biographical, historical, and literary — to enrich each reader's understanding of these enduring works. First published in 1865, Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was an immediate success, as was its sequel, Through the Looking-Glass, Carroll's sense of the absurd and his amazing gift for games of logic and language have secured for the Alice books an enduring spot in the hearts of both adults and children. Alice begins her adventures when she follows the frantically delayed White Rabbit down a hole into the magical world of Wonderland, where she meets a variety of wonderful creatures, including Tweedledee and Tweedledum, the Cheshire Cat, the hookah-smoking Caterpillar, the Mad Hatter, and the Queen of Hearts — who, with the help of her enchanted deck of playing cards, tricks Alice into playing a bizarre game of croquet. Alice continues her adventures in Through the Looking-Glass, which is loosely based on a game of chess and includes Carroll's famous poem Jabberwocky. Throughout her fantastic journeys, Alice retains her reason, humor, and sense of justice. She has become one of the great characters of imaginative literature, as immortal as Don Quixote, Huckleberry Finn, Captain Ahab, Sherlock Holmes, and Dorothy Gale of Kansas. Tan Lin is a writer, artist, and critic. He is the author of two books of poetry, Lotion Bullwhip Giraffe and IDM.
Jabberwocky and Other Nonsense
Название: Jabberwocky and Other Nonsense
Жанр: Penguin Group
Год: 2014
Описание: The first collected and annotated edition of Carroll's brilliant, witty poems, edited by Gillian Beer. 'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves. Did gyre and gimble in the wabe'... wrote Lewis Carroll in his wonderfully playful poem of nonsense verse, 'Jabberwocky'. This new edition collects together the marvellous range of Carroll's poetry, including nonsense verse, parodies, burlesques, and more. Alongside the title piece are such enduringly wonderful pieces as 'The Walrus and the Carpenter', 'The Mock Turtle's Song', 'Father William' and many more. This edition also includes notes, a chronology and an introduction by Gillian Beer that discusses Carroll's love of puzzles and wordplay and the relationship of his poetry with the Alice books. Opening at random Gillian Beer's new edition of Lewis Carroll's poems, Jabberwocky and Other Nonsense, guarantees a pleasurable experience — not all of it nonsensical. Lewis Carroll was the pen-name of the Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. Born in 1832, he was educated at Rugby School and Christ Church, Oxford, where he was appointed lecturer in mathematics in 1855, and where he spent the rest of his life. In 1861 he took deacon's orders, but shyness and a stammer prevented him from seeking the priesthood. His most famous works, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and Through the Looking-Glass (1872), were originally written for Alice Liddell, the daughter of the Dean of his college. Charles Dodgson died of bronchitis in 1898. Gillian Beer is King Edward VII Professor Emeritus of English at the University of Cambridge and past President of Clare Hall College. She is a Fellow of the British Academy and of the Royal Society of Literature. Among her works are Darwin's Plots (1983; third edition, 2009), George Eliot (1986), Arguing with the Past: Essays in Narrative from Woolf to Sidney (1989), Open Fields: Science in Cultural Encounter (1996) and Virginia Woolf: The Common Ground (1996).
Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland (+ Audio CD)
Год: 2013
Описание: Join Alice as she follows the white rabbit into the amazing world of Wonderland, where anything can happen! Watch Alice change size, meet the Mad Hatter and his friend, the March Hare, talk to the smiling Cheshire cat, play a game of croquet with the Queen of Hearts, witness the strangest trial ever and enjoy never-ending adventures in the land of dreams!
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Жанр: Penguin Group
Год: 2014
Описание: When Alice follows the White Rabbit down a rabbit hole, she finds herself in an enchanted world, filled with creatures like the Mad Hatter, the disappearing Cheshire Cat, and the Queen of Hearts. Alice quickly finds out that nothing is as it seems in the wild world of Wonderland...
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
Жанр: Random House Inc.
Год: 2008
Описание: Alice is one of the most beloved characters of English writing. A bright and inquisitive child, one boring summer afternoon, she follows a white rabbit down a rabbit-hole. At the bottom, she finds herself in a bizarre world full of strange creatures, and attends a very strange tea party and croquet match. This immensely witty and unique story mixes satire and puzzles, comedy and anxiety, to provide an astute depiction of the experience of childhood.
The Nursery Alice
Название: The Nursery Alice
Год: 2010
Описание: The story of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland continues to enchant generations of adults and children alike. This picture book version, adapted by Lewis Carroll himself and designed especially for younger readers, will bring back many happy memories for parents and grandparents and is a perfect introduction to all the magic and humorous mayhem of Wonderland! First published by Macmillan & Co in 1890, this newly rediscovered treasure is a perfect gift; ideal for all the family and a joy to share aloud.
Alice Au Pays Des Merveilles
Название: Alice Au Pays Des Merveilles
Жанр: Larousse
Год: 2012
Описание: Assise dans l’herbe un jour d’été, Alice voit passer un lapin blanc qu’elle suit dans son terrier. Elle bascule alors dans un monde extraordinaire et magique…Né des contes que l'auteur improvisa un jour pour trois petites filles, ce rêve à épisodes, fondé sur le désir et la peur de grandir, se déroule sur le rythme des comptines et reproduit les fantaisies et les fantasmes de l'enfance.
Alicia en el país de las maravillas
Жанр: Debolsillo
Год: 2010
Описание: Las aventuras de Alicia recrean escenarios insólitos y ponen en entredicho los postulados lógicos del mundo convencional. Alicia en el país de las maravillas traspasa el umbral que separa la realidad del sueño y se adentra en un territorio sin leyes ni normas, donde todo es posible. Triunfo de la imaginación y del ingenio, esta narración recrea un mundo de escenarios y criaturas isólitos, y pone en entredicho todos y cada uno de los postulados lógicos en que se basa el mundo convencional. La continuación de este relato, A través del espejo, y el hilarante poema L a caza del Snark completan esta edición ilustrada.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Walker Illustrated Classics
Жанр: Walker Books
Год: 2009
Описание: »Walker Illustrated Classics» is a new series which brings together some of the best-loved stories ever told, illustrated by some of today's finest artists. These exquisitely designed books, with their magnificent words and glorious pictures, are a pleasure to read — and re-read. The classics have never looked so good! For over a hundred years, «Alice in Wonderland», Lewis Carroll's classic story of logic and lunacy has delighted young and old alike. More abundantly illustrated than previous editions, this award-winning interpretation is full of warmth and humour. The whole approach is contemporary and accessible: Alice herself is a child of today — casually dressed, personable, spirited. In Helen Oxenbury's hands, the topsy-turvy world of Wonderland is a wondrous place indeed!
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
Год: 2014
Описание: What's at the bottom of the rabbit hole? Wonder! Adventure! Confusion! Cake! Join Alice as she tumbles into a strange world where curious things are normal, and normal things are ...curiouser! Oxford Children's Classics present not only the original and unabridged stories of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass in one beautiful new edition, but also help you to discover a whole world of new adventures with an amazing assortment of recommendations and activities.
Alice nel paese delle meraviglie-Attraverso lo specchio
Жанр: Garzanti
Год: 2014
Описание: Alice è una bambina che, per seguire un coniglio bianco, cade in un pozzo profondissimo sul fondo del quale si aprono le porte di un mondo fantastico. Personaggi irreali e avventure incredibili le fanno trascorrere momenti felici fino all'immancabile risveglio. Il volume contiene, oltre alla più nota «Alice nel paese delle Meraviglie», anche il seguito delle avventure della bambina, intitolato «Attraverso lo specchio».
Alice nel paese delle meraviglie
Год: 2013
Описание: Come un'innocente gita al fiume può trasformarsi nella più inimmaginabile avventura della letteratura europea? Semplicemente inseguendo un coniglio bianco con un panciotto e un orologio da taschino. Comincia così, senza stupore, il viaggio di Alice nel paese delle meraviglie, uno strano mondo abitato da animali parlanti e stizzosi, sorridenti e sentenziosi. Ma la sua storia non è solo il capolavoro fiabesco che tutti hanno conosciuto, è anche una fitta trama di significati nascosti e palesi nonsensi, imbastita per scardinare le logiche anguste dei precetti morali. Il viaggio di Alice diventa così occasione, per adulti e bambini, di scoprire la luminosa mutevolezza di tutte le cose.
Alice nel paese delle meraviglie-Attraverso lo specchio
Жанр: Прочие
Год: 2014
Описание: A oltre un secolo dalla sua pubblicazione, Alice, come romanzo e come personaggio, conserva ancora intatta tutta la sua freschezza, incantando non solo i più giovani ma anche gli adulti, che nel suo mondo meraviglioso scoprono un altro sé, pronto a sfidare ardui giochi linguistici, entusiasmanti trucchi psicologici, situazioni impossibili che mettono in discussione la realtà e svelano l'irresistibile fascino dell'assurdo. In un romanzo in cui la sospensione dell'incredulità è d'obbligo, il gusto del gioco non può essere dimenticato e va riscoperto con occhi che sappiano guardare al di là del consueto. Perché qui è l'essenza della vita, e forse tra i sogni segreti di tanti c'è proprio la tana di un coniglio bianco in cui perdersi, uno specchio al di là del quale riscoprire la bellezza della vita reale. È letteratura per ragazzi? È un libro da leggere punto e basta. Premessa di Simona Vinci, introduzione e note di Paola Faini.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Жанр: Penguin Group
Год: 2008
Описание: On an ordinary summer's afternoon, Alice tumbles down a hole and an extraordinary adventure begins. In a strange world with even stranger characters, she meets a rabbit with a pocket watch, joins a Mad Hatter's Tea Party, and plays croquet with the Queen! Lost in this fantasy land, Alice finds herself growing more and more curious by the minute... With a wonderfully inspiring introduction by Chris Riddell, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is one of the twelve brilliant classic stories being relaunched in Puffin Classics in March 2008.
Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There
Жанр: Penguin Group
Год: 2011
Описание: When Alice steps through the looking-glass, she enters a very strange world of chess pieces and nursery rhyme characters such as Humpty Dumpty, Tweedledee and Tweedledum and the angry Red Queen. Nothing is what it seems and, in fact, through the looking-glass, everything is distorted.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Жанр: Walker Books
Год: 2001
Описание: A multi-award-winning classic — now in paperback. For over a hundred years, Lewis Carroll's classic story of logic and lunacy has delighted young and old alike. More abundantly illustrated than previous editions, this award-winning interpretation is full of warmth and humour. The whole approach is contemporary and accessible: Alice herself is a child of today — casually dressed, personable, spirited. In Helen Oxenbury's hands, the topsy-turvy world of Wonderland is a wondrous place indeed! One of the most talked about children's books of 1999, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland won the Kate Greenaway Medal and the Kurt Maschler Award.