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You Can't Hide
Автор: Поделится :
Жанр: Headline Publishing Издательство: Headline Publishing
Год: 2011 Страниц: 608
Формат: PDF (30.40 МБ) Дата загрузки: 03 августа 2013

You Can't Hide

A psychiatrist is bound to her patients by confidentiality but do ethics always override catching a murderer? You don't know who I am. Someone is tormenting psychiatrist Tess Ciccotelli's patients, pushing them to commit suicide, and setting her up to take the blame. But even police pressure won't make her break her oath to protect their secrets. You can't stop what I am doing. Detective Aidan Reagan understands Tess's need to safeguard her clients but all the clues suggest that a nameless, faceless enemy is set on destroying her career, her family and, finally, Tess herself. You can't hide. As Reagan and Tess race to stop the killer, one thing becomes clear — the noose is tightening around Tess's neck and there is nowhere for her to go...

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