Книги автора Arthur Rackham

Mother Goose: Old Nursery Rhymes
Жанр: Wordsworth
Год: 1994
Описание: Traditional rhymes and stories have been collected under the wing of Mother Goose for centuries, and this collection of favourite nursery rhymes has been put together by the masterly illustrator Arthur Rackham. It is a wonderful collection of old favourites, from Jack and Jill, Baa, Baa, Black Sheep and Who Killed Cock Robin? to comic alphabets and the fearful fate of Anthony Rowley. It is illustrated with Rackham's beautiful pen and ink drawings, and is one of his finest books.
English Fairy Tales
Название: English Fairy Tales
Жанр: Wordsworth
Год: 1994
Описание: This book contains over forty of the best-loved fairy stories, beautifully illustrated by Arthur Rackham. Favourites such as Jack the Giant-killer, Jack and the Beanstalk, Dick Whittington, The Three Little Pigs and The Babes in the Wood are all here among many others, but stories from different traditions also make their appearance, including The Three Bears and Little Red Hiding Hood.
Rackham's Fairy Tale Illustrations
Жанр: Dover Publications
Год: 2002
Описание: Superb collection of 55 lovely plates, reproduced from rare, early editions, includes a rich selection of fairy tale images by one of England's leading illustrators of the early 20th century. Includes scenes from Irish Fairy Tales, English Fairy Tales, Hansel and Gretel, Snowdrop and Other Tales, Little Brother & Little Sister, and more.
The Arthur Rackham Treasury
Название: The Arthur Rackham Treasury
Жанр: Dover Publications
Год: 2005
Описание: The finest collection of art by one of the greatest English book illustrators. A stunning full-colour treasury of the finest illustrations by the famed English artist. Rackham's subjects ranged from fairy tales and children's stories to Wagner's operas. This superbly printed work includes more than 80 full-page plates that span his entire artistic output. The illustrations in this handsome volume have been beautifully reproduced directly from rare original editions.