Книги автора Cormac McCarthy

The Sunset Limited
Название: The Sunset Limited
Жанр: Picador
Год: 2011
Описание: A startling encounter on a New York subway platform leads two strangers to a run-down tenement where a life or death decision must be made. In that small apartment, 'Black' and 'White', as the two men are known, begin a conversation that leads each back through his own history mining the origins of two diametrically opposing world views, they begin a dialectic redolent of the best of Beckett. White is a professor whose seemingly enviable existence of relative ease has left him nonetheless in despair. Black, an ex-con and ex-addict, is the more hopeful of the men though he is just as desperate to convince White of the power of faith as White is to deny it. Their aim is no less than this: to discover the meaning of life. Deft, spare, and full of artful tension, The Sunset Limited is a beautifully crafted, consistently thought-provoking, and deeply intimate work by one of the most insightful writers of our time. 'The Sunset Limited grips from the very first page.' Financial Times 'The author at his best, meditating on life, suffering and religion' Shortlist 'It's remarkable that Cormac McCarthy could revive the antique genre of the philosophical dialogue as convincingly as he does here. His prose bites.' Evening Standard.
The Crossing
Название: The Crossing
Жанр: Daedalus Books
Год: 1994
Описание: Following the National Book Award–winning All the Pretty Horses, this second part of Cormac McCarthy's Border Trilogy is not a sequel but a parallel story, set in the boot heel of New Mexico, hard on the frontier. «Sixteen-year-old Billy Parham is obsessed with trapping a renegade wolf that has crossed the border from Mexico to raid his father's cattle ranch. By the time he finally succeeds, Billy has formed such a close bond with his prey that he decides to return the wolf to its home, and the two head off into the mountains. Billy returns months later to find that his parents have been murdered by horse thieves. He abducts his kid brother from a foster home, and they ride into Mexico to retrieve their property, encountering gypsies, desperadoes, and itinerant philosophers along the way... McCarthy's luminous prose style, spare as the desert landscapes it describes, is almost Beckett-like in its blend of deadpan humor and existential despair. An exceptionally vivid and rewarding novel».
Cities of the Plain
Название: Cities of the Plain
Жанр: Picador
Год: 2010
Описание: This is Volume Three of the «Border Trilogy». In «Cities of the Plain», two men marked by the boyhood adventures of «All the Pretty Horses» and «The Crossing» now stand together, between their vivid pasts and uncertain futures, to confront a country changing beyond recognition. In the fall of 1952, John Grady Cole and Billy Parham are cowboys on a New Mexico ranch encroached upon from the north by the military. On the southern horizon are the mountains of Mexico, where one of the men is drawn again and again, in this story of friendships and passion, to a love as dangerous as it is inevitable. 'In a lovely and terrible landscape of natural beauty and impending loss we find John Grady; a young cowboy of the old school, trusted by men and horses, and a fragile young woman, whose salvation becomes his obsession ...McCarthy makes the sweeping plains a miracle' — «Scotsman». 'This haunting, deeply felt novel completes one of the literary masterworks of the 1990s' — «Daily Telegraph». 'The completed trilogy emerges as a landmark in American literature' — «Guardian».
Название: Crossing
Жанр: Picador
Год: 2010
Описание: This is Volume Two of the «Border Trilogy». '»The Crossing», together with its predecessor «All the Pretty Horses», towers over most contemporary fiction. An American epic infused with a grand solemnity' — «Sunday Times». Set on the south-western ranches in the years before the Second World War, «The Crossing» follows the fortunes of sixteen-year-old Billy and his younger brother Boyd. Fascinated by an elusive wolf that has been marauding his family's property, Billy captures the animal — but rather than kill it, sets out impulsively for the mountains of Mexico to return it to where it came from. When Billy comes back to his own home he finds himself and his world irrevocably changed. His loss of innocence has come at a price, and once again the border beckons with its desolate beauty and cruel promise. 'McCarthy writes prose as clean as a bullet cutting through the air and constructs tales as compelling as any you will read ...They are stories about people as real as the land they ride and as disturbing as the rituals they enact' — «Daily Telegraph».
The Orchard Keeper
Название: The Orchard Keeper
Жанр: Picador
Год: 2010
Описание: Set in a small, remote community in rural Tennessee in the years between the two world wars, «The Orchard Keeper» is an early classic from one of America's finest and most celebrated authors. It tells of John Wesley Rattner, a young boy, and Marion Sylder, an outlaw and bootlegger who, unbeknownst to either of them, has killed the boy's father. Cormac McCarthy's debut novel is a magnificent evocation of an American landscape, and of a lost American time. 'The feeling for the land and seasons is so intense as to be part of the story and there are scenes one will never forget...A complicated and evocative exposition of the transience of life' — «Harper's». 'A true American original' — «Newsweek».
Outer Dark
Название: Outer Dark
Жанр: Picador
Год: 2010
Описание: By the author of the critically acclaimed «Border Trilogy», «Outer Dark» is a novel at once mythic and starkly evocative, set in an unspecified place in Appalachia sometime around the turn of the century. A woman bears her brother's child, a boy; the brother leaves the baby in the woods and tells her he died of natural causes. Discovering her brother's lie, she sets forth alone to find her son. Both brother and sister wander separately through a countryside being scourged by three terrifying and elusive strangers, headlong toward an eerie, apocalyptic resolution. 'McCarthy is a master stylist, perhaps without equal in American letters...In his hands, everything is done with consummate skill' — «Village Voice». 'McCarthy has made the fabulous real, the ordinary mysterious' — «New York Times». 'A profound parable that ultimately speaks to any society in any time' — «Time».
Название: Suttree
Жанр: Picador
Год: 2010
Описание: This compelling novel has as its protagonist Cornelius Suttree, living alone and in exile in a disintegrating houseboat on the wrong side of the Tennessee River close by Knoxville. He stays at the edge of an outcast community inhabited by eccentrics, criminals and the poverty-stricken. Rising above the physical and human squalor around him, his detachment and wry humour enable him to survive dereliction and destitution with dignity. ''Suttree» contains a humour that is Faulknerian in its gentle wryness, and a freakish imaginative flair reminiscent of Flannery O'Connor' — «Times Literary Supplement». ''Suttree» marks McCarthy's closest approach to autobiography and is probably the funniest and most unbearably sad of his books' — Stanley Booth.
All the Pretty Horses
Название: All the Pretty Horses
Жанр: Picador
Год: 2010
Описание: This is Volume One of the «Border Trilogy». 'A uniquely brilliant book... told in language as subtly beautiful as its desert setting. One of the most important pieces of American writing of our time' — Stephen Amidon, «Sunday Times». John Grady Cole is the last bewildered survivor of long generations of Texas ranchers. Finding himself cut off from the only life he has ever wanted, he sets out for Mexico with his friend Lacey Rawlins. Befriending a third boy on the way, they find a country beyond their imagining: barren and beautiful, rugged yet cruelly civilized; a place where dreams are paid for in blood. «All the Pretty Horses» is an acknowledged masterpiece and a grand love story: a novel about childhood passing, along with innocence and a vanished American age. Steeped in the wisdom that comes only from loss, it is a magnificent parable of responsibility, revenge and survival. 'A darkly shining work... executed with consummate skill and much subtlety — the effect is magnificent' — John Banville, «Observer». 'An exhilarating, exceptional novel' — «Spectator». 'In a single stride it takes McCarthy to the forefront of contemporary American fiction. All the Pretty Horses is indisputably a masterpiece' — «Financial Times».
The Border Trilogy
Название: The Border Trilogy
Жанр: Picador
Год: 2007
Описание: John Grady Cole and Billy Parham, two cowboys of the old school, are poised on the edge of a world about to change forever. Their journeys across the border into Mexico, each an adventure fraught with fear and pain, mark a passage into adulthood and eventual salvation.
Child of God
Название: Child of God
Жанр: Picador
Год: 2010
Описание: Lester Ballard, a violent, solitary and introverted young backwoodsman dispossessed on his ancestral land, is released from jail and allowed to haunt the hill country of East Tennessee, preying on the population with his strange lusts.
The Road
Название: The Road
Жанр: Random House Inc.
Год: 2009
Описание: By the winner of the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 2007, this is the story of a father and son walking alone through burned America, heading through the ravaged landscape to the coast. It has been hailed as 'the first great masterpiece of the globally warmed generation. Here is an American classic which, at a stroke, makes McCarthy a contender for the Nobel Prize for Literature... An absolutely wonderful book that people will be reading for generations' — Andrew O'Hagan. Harvey Weinstein's film is to be released in the UK on 8 January 2010 with an all-star cast including Viggo Mortensen, Charlize Theron, Guy Pearce and Robert Duvall, and introducing major new young talent, Kodi Smit McPhee, with a soundtrack by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis. 'A work of such terrible beauty that you will struggle to look away' — Tom Gatti, «The Times». 'So good that it will devour you, in parts. It is incandescent' — Niall Griffiths, «Daily Telegraph». 'You will read on, absolutely convinced, thrilled, mesmerised. All the modern novel can do is done here' — Alan Warner, «Guardian».