Книги автора Joanna Trollope

Girl from the South
Название: Girl from the South
Год: 2008
Описание: Gillon — red-haired, intelligent, vulnerable — comes to London to escape from the demands of her wealthy, conventional, socially superior family in Charleston, South Carolina. An art historian, she has a chance meeting with Tilly, whose long-term boyfriend Henry is a wildlife photographer who is finding it hard to commit.
Friday Nights
Название: Friday Nights
Год: 2009
Описание: Friday nights. Eleanor had started them, scooping up Paula and Lindsay, both single mothers who looked as though they needed some adult company, and welcoming them to her untidy, comfortable Fulham house where she had lived alone for fifty years. Soon they were joined by others — Blaise, smart, single and successful, her business partner Karen, the breadwinner for a chaotic young family in which her artist husband promised much but did little, and Jules, Lindsay's confused younger sister. A group of women, different in age and circumstances but with the same needs. It was a warm, inclusive sisterhood — until Paula got herself a new man, Jackson, and somehow the Friday nights weren't the same any more...
The Rector's Wife
Название: The Rector's Wife
Год: 2008
Описание: For twenty years, Anna Bouverie, as a priest's wife, has served God and the parish in a variety of ways. She has baked for the Brownies, delivered parish magazines, washed and ironed her husband's surplices and clothed herself and her children in jumble-sale items. When her husband fails to gain promotion to archdeacon and retreats into isolated bitterness, and the bullying of her daughter at the local comprehensive reaches an intolerable level, Anna rebels. She takes a job in the local supermarket where she earns her own money, her sense of self-worth, the shocked disapproval of the parish and the icy fury of her husband. She also attracts the passionate interest of three very different men, each of whom was to play a significant part in the blossoming of her life...