Книги автора Rupert Kingfisher

Madame Pamplemousse and Her Incredible Edibles
Год: 2009
Описание: Madame Pamplemousse is the story of Madeleine, forced to work in her unpleasant uncle's horrible restaurant, The Squealing Pig. By chance she comes across the most marvellous shop, run by Madame Pamplemousse, which is quiet, discreet, yet full of delicious and otherworldly 'edibles' — Pterodactyl Bacon, Scorpion Tails in Smoked Garlic Oil, and Great Squid Tentacle in Jasmine-Scented Jelly. A quiet comradeship develops between Madeleine, Madame Pamplemousse, and Madame's cat, Camembert. And together they create some wonderful culinary magic. Exquisite, beautifully formed prose that has echoes of Angela Carter belies a narrative that is full of pace. A wonderful fairy tale that will appeal to both adults and children.
Madame Pamplemousse and the Enchanted Sweet Shop
Год: 2011
Описание: It's winter in Paris and Madeleine is having problems at school. A new girl, Mirabelle, is bullying her. Madeleine is too ashamed to ask for help from her friends, Madame Pamplemousse and Camembert, but she's befriended by a woman called Madame Bonbon, who runs an alluring-looking sweet shop. The sweets Madame Bonbon gives Madeleine have the most bewitching effect, at first making her feel much stronger and able to confront Mirabelle. But soon they start drawing her into a strange, enchanted world from which she finds she cannot escape. For Madame Bonbon is really someone else in disguise — an old enemy from Madame Pamplemousse's past who has come to Paris seeking her revenge...
Madame Pamplemousse and the Time-Travelling Cafe
Год: 2010
Описание: In Paris, there is a cafe, elegantly furnished with polished wooden tables and an awning of striped gold and green, whose walls are filled with drinks such as Green Fairy Liqueur, Mermaid Madeira and Red Devil Lemonade. And sitting on the bar is a large, silver, steam-powered espresso coffee machine. The cafe is owned by Monsieur Moutarde, and Monsieur Moutarde has made the most extraordinary discovery. With the help of his friend, Madame Pamplemousse, he has created a time-travel machine (for that is what the espresso coffee machine is). Very special, highly flavoured, intense ingredients are fed into the machine, where they are subatomically blended with quantum froth and space-time foam. The resulting liquid looks like a small black coffee — but in fact transports the drinker through time and space. But this is a dangerous invention. For who knows what would happen if it fell into the wrong hands? Before long, Monsieur Moutarde, Madame Pamplemousse, her cat, Camembert, and her friend, Madeleine, are on the run through time and space to capture a Trex's freshly caught drool and the tears of the rare sphinx — vital ingredients for a tonic that will both save them and revive the ailing spirit of Paris. It is a magical romp that will charm and delight.