Книги автора Wells

Silent Theater: The Art of Edward Hopper
Жанр: Phaidon Press
Год: 2013
Описание: 'Silent Theatre: The Art of Edward Hopper' is a celebration and exploration of the work of Edward Hopper. This beautifully produced monograph is a thorough introduction to Hopper's work, as well as a detailed exploration of many of the themes of Hopper's paintings, including longing, time, desire, change, and sanctuary. Accompanying the reproductions of Hoppers, oils, watercolours, and etchings, is Walter Wells' informative and engaging writing, which charts Hoppers artistic and literary influences. Wells also delves into the artist's psychological, and emotional states, and suggests how these have affected Hopper's output. As well as containing reproductions of Hoppers most famous works, Summertime, New York Movie, Morning Sun, Night Hawks and Hotel Room, this book contains photographs of Hopper himself, as well as large scale reproductions of Hopper's sketch books, and comparative art by Van Gogh, Ed Ruscha, Walter Sickert, and Toulouse-Lautrec. The author and editors of 'Silent Theatre' were the winners of the prestigious Umhoefer Prize for Achievement in the Arts and Humanities.
The Time Machine
Название: The Time Machine
Жанр: Penguin Group
Год: 2012
Описание: Chilling, prophetic and hugely influential, The Time Machine sees a Victorian scientist propel himself into the year 802,701 AD, where he is delighted to find that suffering has been replaced by beauty and contentment in the form of the Eloi, an elfin species descended from man. But he soon realizes that they are simply remnants of a once-great culture — now weak and living in terror of the sinister Morlocks lurking in the deep tunnels, who threaten his very return home. H. G. Wells defined much of modern science fiction with this 1895 tale of time travel, which questions humanity, society, and our place on Earth. The Penguin English Library — 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
The Invisible Man (на английском языке)
Год: 2008
Описание: Вниманию читателей предлагается полный, неадаптированный текст известного научно-фантастического романа Герберта Уэллса «Человек-невидимка» (1897). Издание рассчитано на лиц, владеющих основами английского языка и совершенствующих свои навыки в нем.