Книги автора Dostoyevsky Fyodor

The Idiot
Название: The Idiot
Жанр: Dover Publications
Год: 2008
Описание: A towering figure of Russian literature, Fyodor Dostoyevsky depicted with remarkable insight the depth and complexity of the human soul. In this literary classic, he focuses on a nobleman, whose gentle, child-like nature has earned him the nickname of «the idiot.»A superb, panoramic view of mid-19th-century Russian manners, morals and philosophy.
The Idiot
Название: The Idiot
Жанр: Penguin Group
Год: 2010
Описание: A classic by a Russian master Prince Myshkin, the idiot, is an almost comically innocent Christ figure in a land of sinners, one whose faith in beauty contrasts sharply with that of his society's.
The Eternal Husband
Название: The Eternal Husband
Жанр: Dover Publications
Год: 2008
Описание: A rich and idle man confronts his dead mistress's husband in this psychological novel of duality. One of the esteemed Russian author's most powerful and accessible tales, it employs his favorite themes of mental torture and neurosis. Captivating and highly revealing, it explores love, guilt, and hatred.
The Idiot
Название: The Idiot
Жанр: Разное
Год: 2013
Описание: Only beauty can save the world, proclaims the hero of The Idiot, perhaps Dostoevsky's most personal and intense work of fiction. But in the brutally materialistic world of late nineteenth-century Petersburg, infested with greed and vulgarity, Prince Myshkin's naive beliefs can only be the subject of mockery and ultimately lead to failure and tragedy. Populated by an unforgettable cast of characters that covers the entire gamut of Russian society — from the arrogant rich merchant's son Rogozhin and the beautiful but wanton Nastasya Filippovna to the student Kirillov, who aspires to become the man-God by killing himself — Dostoevsky's masterpiece, brilliantly captured in this new translation by Ignat Avsey, is a book that leaves a permanent mark on its readers' minds.
Notes from Underground
Название: Notes from Underground
Жанр: Разное
Год: 2013
Описание: The unnamed narrator of the novel, a former government official, has decided to retire from the world and lead a life of inactivity and contemplation. His fiercely bitter, cynical and witty monologue ranges from general observations and philosophical musings to memorable scenes from his own life, including his obsessive plans to exact petty revenge on an officer who has shown him disrespect and a dramatic encounter with a prostitute. Seen by many as the first existentialist novel and showcasing the best of Dostoevsky's dry humour, Notes from under the Floorboards was a pivotal moment in the development of modern literature and has inspired countless novelists, thinkers and film-makers.
Poor People
Название: Poor People
Жанр: Разное
Год: 2013
Описание: Presented as a series of letters between the humble copying-clerk Devushkin and a distant relative of his, the young Varenka, Poor People brings to the fore the underclass of St Petersburg, who live at the margins of society in the most appalling conditions and abject poverty. As Devushkin tries to help Varenka improve her plight by selling anything he can, he is reduced to even more desperate circumstances and seeks refuge in alcohol, looking on helplessly as the object of his impossible love is taken away from him.
Notes from Underground
Название: Notes from Underground
Жанр: Daedalus Books
Год: 2009
Описание: Notes from Underground is one of the most profound and most unsettling works of modern literature, prefiguring Dostoevskys later masterpieces such as Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, and The Brothers Karamazov. The underground man has become one of the fixtures of the contemporary worldview. No discussion of the predicament of modern man would be complete without some allusion to this archetypal figure both prophetic and loathsome that towers over modern culture. The Notes from Underground are, as translator Boris Jakim says, A foul passageway leading into the profoundest secrets of the human heart, an abyss where the most loathsome thoughts are revealed. The Notes are a limbo without hope even of hell, a Book of Job without a happy ending, a waiting for nothing and no one (not even Godot). Nonetheless, entering into this underground that Dostoesky claims is in us all is necessary in order to understand not only this lowest of lows, but also the heights that lift man out of the depths into sanctity and exaltation. It is largely due to this masterful contrast that Notes from Underground is considered by many critics to be not only a pinnacle of existentialist literature, but also one of the greatest works of modern literature altogether.
The Brothers Karamazov
Название: The Brothers Karamazov
Жанр: Penguin Group
Год: 2007
Описание: Dostoyevskys masterpiece introduces a world filled with greed, passion, depravity, and complex moral issues, as three brothers become involved in the brutal murder of their own father. This edition features an Afterword by bestselling author Sara Peretsky. Revised reissue.
Winter Notes on Summer Impressions
Жанр: Alma/Oneworld
Год: 2013
Описание: In June 1862, Dostoevsky left Petersburg on his first excursion to Western Europe. Ostensibly making the trip to consult Western specialists about his epilepsy, he also wished to see firsthand the source of the Western ideas he believed were corrupting Russia. Over the course of his journey he visited a number of major cities, including Berlin, Paris, London, Florence, Milan, and Vienna. His impressions on what he saw, Winter Notes on Summer Impressions, were first published in the February 1863 issue of Vremya (Time), the periodical he edited.
Crime and Punishment
Название: Crime and Punishment
Жанр: Penguin Group
Год: 2006
Описание: The poverty-stricken Raskolnikov, believing he is exempt from moral law, murders a man only to face the consequences not only from society but from his conscience, in this seminal story of justice, morality, and redemption from one of Russia's greatest novelists.
The Double
Название: The Double
Жанр: Daedalus Books
Год: 2014
Описание: This is an official tie-in edition to accompany Richard Ayoade's brilliant new film based on Dostoyevsky's deliciously dark and slyly funny novel. The Double stars Oscar nominee Jesse Eisenberg (The Social Network) and Mia Wasikowska (Jane Eyre) with support from Chris O'Dowd, Sally Hawkins, Paddy Considine, Tim Key and Chris Morris. A lonely government clerk — shy, awkward, blundering — finds himself pursued by a mysterious stranger. Somehow he looks familiar. In fact, he realizes, he looks exactly like him. He even has the same name. But, unlike him, he is charming and confident. Soon the stranger starts insinuating himself into his life. He works at his office, stays at his apartment, ingratiates himself with his colleagues. No one seems surprised. Who is he? What does he want? Is he a double, or something darker altogether? Moscow-born Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881) served time in a convict prison in Siberia for his political alliances, and in his later years his passion for gambling led him deeply into debt. His many brilliant novels include Crime and Punishment, The Idiot and The Brothers Karamazov. Ronald Wilks has translated numerous Russian volumes for Penguin Classics, including works by Chekhov, Sologub, Tolstoy and Gogol. If you enjoy this novel, you may want to read more by Dostoyevsky — his major novels and stories are all available in Penguin Classics, including Notes from Underground, Crime and Punishment, The Gambler and Other Stories, The Idiot, Demons, Netochka Nezvanova, The Brothers Karamazov, Poor Folk and Other Stories, The House of the Dead and The Village of Stepanchikovo.
Uncle's Dream
Название: Uncle's Dream
Жанр: Разное
Год: 2012
Описание: When the ageing Russian Prince, Prince K., arrives in the town of Mordasov, Marya Alexandrovna Moskaleva, a doyenne of local society life, takes him under her protection, with the aim of engineering his marriage with her twenty-three year old daughter Zina. Yet with many rivals for the hands of both parties, events are not guaranteed to run smoothly. The gossiping and rumour-mill of the country village are deftly captured in Dostoevsky's mock-heroic tone. A rare foray into comedy by the giant of Russian literature, Uncle's Dream nonetheless still possesses all the hallmarks of Dostoevsky's psychological and philosophical writing.
Brothers Karamazov
Название: Brothers Karamazov
Жанр: Daedalus Books
Год: 2005
Описание: This brilliant work by one of Russia's foremost novelists teems with greed, passion, depravity, and complex moral issues. Three brothers, involved in the brutal murder of their despicable father, find their lives irrevocably altered as they are driven by intense, uncontrollable emotions of rage and revenge.