Книги издательства Jovis Verlag

Atelier Goldstein Artists
Название: Atelier Goldstein Artists
Жанр: Jovis Verlag
Год: 2008
Описание: Frankfurt-based Atelier Goldstein is one of Germany's most renowned venues for outsider art. The artists have turned out a wide variety of exceptional work for the past five years, ranging from architectural sculptures to sensitive portraits and lively abstract painting. The Atelier is widely supported by artists like Jonathan Meese, who contributes to this survey.
Urban Pioneers
Название: Urban Pioneers
Жанр: Jovis Verlag
Год: 2007
Описание: Skate parks in abandoned industrial zones, ponies grazing alongside the former Berlin Wall, flea markets in empty warehouses, music and fashion shows in hard-to-rent retail locations and climbing walls in development niches — scarcely a city in Europe has made such radically widespread use of temporary use projects as has Berlin in the last few decades. The idea of temporary use — which has been defined as activity in spaces currently unsuitable or undesirable in mainstream economic cycles — is of increasing strategic importance for urban development around the world, as individuals and government agencies pioneer new prospects at disused sites that defy traditional urban planning. Urban Pioneers documents more than 40 such projects in the city of Berlin, and comes with a series of essays and interviews that offer comprehensive, timely insight into the subject, proposing new guidelines for shaping urban development.
Die Reichstag Graffiti (English/German)
Год: 2002
Описание: In the Reichstag the walls speak. They are covered with Russian graffiti, written by victorious Soviet soldiers in 1945. Hidden for 30 years, the graffiti were rediscovered by Norman Foster and his team when they began work on the building in 1995. They were preserved as part of Foster’s concept of the Reichstag as a ‘living museum’ of German history. Published at a time when the graffiti are threatened with eradication, this book offers an important visual and literary record. Deborah Lipstadt considers the arguments for and against the preservation of the graffiti: is the preservation, as some charge, «morally offensive» and «masochistic» or does it indicate a brave determination not to forget the tragedies of the past? And what does it mean and say about Germany today? Frederick Baker considers the graffiti as a monument to the individual and offers an historical account of the Battle of Berlin through the eyes of Red Army soldiers as they approached their ultimate goal, including the soldier who first raised the Red Flag above the Reichstag. This richly illustrated volume allows the inscriptions to be made accessible and understandable to a wider public for the first time. With an introduction by Lord Norman Foster and contributions by Frederick Baker and Deborah Lipstadt Photos by Reinhard Görner.